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George Perez at DragonCon 2012!

While at DragonCon over Labor Day weekend, I was fortunate enough to see famed comic artist George Perez! He’s always super nice and really seems to enjoy meeting fans. The line for his table in the Comics Artist Alley was insanely long all weekend. On Monday morning I happened to catch the line at a slow moment, so I seized the opportunity. Below you’ll find the gorgeous Killer Frost sketch George drew for me! I’m telling you guys, he is amazing! Watching him knock out a sketch will blow your mind. He quickly draws a couple lines in pencil, then using a black marker makes the image come to life! And the amount of detail he can recall is astonishing!

Killer Frost sketch by George Perez from DragonCon 2012


I also asked him to sign my copy of Justice League of America #205, featuring our favorite nuclear physicist on the cover! If you’re not aware, George has an interesting history with Firestorm. After co-creator Al Milgrom’s run on Firestorm volume I, George Perez was essentially the next regular artist for Firestorm (on the Firestorm back-up stories in the Flash comic, and later JLA). Additionally, the Firestorm back-up strips were the first regular work Perez did for DC Comics!

Justice League of America #205 cover by George Perez, autographed at DragonCon 2012

Finally, here is me and my new BFF – George Perez! :) In reality, George poses like this with pretty much everyone. How cool is that?!? How many other celebrities get up on you like that for a picture?

George Perez and Shag at DragonCon 2012

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Firestorm on Robot Chicken DC Comics Special

Not gonna spoil anything here, but if you haven’t watched the Robot Chicken DC Comics Special, stop what you are doing and watch it right now! You can watch it online by clicking this link. Seriously bro, stop wasting your time and get on this!

One of the reasons this special is so brilliant, and wonderfully steeped in DC continuity, is that Geoff Johns served as an Executive Producer and a Writer. That’s right, Geoff Johns, the guy who wrote the Firestorm parts of the Brightest Day comic. In fact, I’m guessing it was Geoff Johns who ensured Firestorm made an appearance in this hilarious special! Check out the two images below for a sneak peek!

Robot Chicken DC Comics Special featuring Firestorm

Robot Chicken DC Comics Special featuring Firestorm

Oh yeah Nuclear Man, represent! Plus, Firestorm was voiced by Alfred Molina (Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man 2)! How cool is that?!?!

Don’t forget, click here to watch the Robot Chicken DC Comics Special online right now! Fair warning, the comments will be filled with SPOILERS!

Support Firestorm (and Robot Chicken)! Fan the flame!

Dragon*Con 2012 – FIRE AND WATER #29

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 29th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode was recorded live at Dragon*Con 2012! Shag and special guest Michael Bailey (From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast, Views from the Longbox) run down their Dragon*Con experience! Lots of discussion on cosplay, trade paperbacks, and convention hijinks!!

You can find the 29th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (26 MB).

My thanks to Michael Bailey and Rob Kelly for doing all the post-production on this special episode! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site at

Keep up with Michael Bailey through these podcasts:

For more on the amazing cosplay photoshoots, visit the Superhero Costuming Forum! Check out below Fire and Water — Box Hero style!

Fire and Water Podcast - Box Hero style

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I’m back from DragonCon 2012 with nearly 700 pictures!

Howdy Match-Heads!  Sorry for my absence the past few days.  I’ve been away at DragonCon in Atlanta!  I’m still absolutely exhausted from the event and trying to get back into the swing of things.

Normal posting should resume next week. To keep you satisfied until then, I’ve uploaded nearly 700 pictures from my DragonCon 2012 experience! I attended a few massive photo shoots organized by the folks at the Superhero Costuming Forum. Here is just a tease of some of those photos.  To see all my photos from DragonCon 2012, check them out at Flickr.

Below is a Box Heroes photoshoot (including Firestorm!). Click to view on Flickr.

Box Heroes Photo Shoot at DragonCon 2012

Below is the massive DC Comics photoshoot including Dean Cain! Click to view on Flickr.

DC Comics Photo Shoot at DragonCon 2012

Below is the massive Marvel Comics photoshoot. Click to view on Flickr.

Marvel Comics Photo Shoot at DragonCon 2012

Below is the Guardians of the Galaxy photoshoot. Click to view on Flickr.

Guardians of the Galaxy Photo Shoot at DragonCon 2012

Below is Batman Beyond! Click to view on Flickr.

Batman Beyond at DragonCon 2012

Below is Poison Ivy! Click to view on Flickr.

Poison Ivy at Dragoncon 2012

I hope you enjoy the pictures!  Again, to see all my photos from DragonCon 2012, check them out at Flickr. Chat with you soon!

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Firestorm Box Hero Coming to DragonCon

Allen Hansard has been busy! You may recall he was constructing a Firestorm box hero costume for DragonCon. Last time we checked in, it was a work in progress. Look at it now!

Firestorm Box Hero by Allen Lee Hansard

Firestorm Box Hero by Allen Lee Hansard

How cool is that! If you are unfamiliar with Allen, here is some background. Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen organizes the massive cosplay photoshoots at DragonCon each year for the Superhero Costuming Forum. These photoshoots are legendary! You’ve got to see them to believe them!

Lastly, I’m at DragonCon right now! Talk with you match-heads next week, assuming I survive. :)

Support Firestorm (and Allen)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm vs Power Man and Iron Fist!

Remember that time Firestorm’s out-of-control powers nearly killed Power Man and Iron Fist? Super-Team Family proudly presents Firestorm The Nuclear Man and Power Man & Iron Fist in “Fatal Fusion!”

 Superteam Family featuring Firestorm Power Man and Iron Fist

No, you didn’t miss an actual inter-company crossover starring our favorite match-head and this dynamic duo. This fictitious meeting is the work of a gentleman named Ross who runs Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! That site is dedicated to the greatest team-ups that never happened. He started with Brave and the Bold fake covers starring Batman, transitioned into Marvel Two-in-One fake covers starring the Thing, and is now doing Super-Team Family featuring a wide variety of team-ups.

Be sure to check out Ross’ work! There are some real gems in there, and they were all done with Microsoft Paint! Impressive! My thanks to Jose Rivera for the heads-up!

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Firestorm Fan is now on Tumblr!

That’s right, Match-heads! FIRESTORM FAN has joined Tumblr in an effort to conquer each and every social media platform! Well… maybe not Pinterest.

Firestorm Fan on Tumblr

Follow us on Tumblr

Head over to the new Tumblr site for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Follow” the page! If you’re not on Tumblr, you can still view the page any time you’d like. In addition to announcing new posts, I’ll also share links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here. Click here to visit the Tumblr site for FIRESTORM FAN!

Find Firestorm Fan Content

I believe finding the content from FIRESTORM FAN should be convenient for you. That’s why in addition to the primary site, I’m trying to make the content accessible several different ways. Even if you already have a reliable way of getting FIRESTORM FAN content, please take a look at the delivery methods below, show your support, and spread the word. Your support is always appreciated.

I hope at least one of these ways proves to be convenient for you. Thanks again for reading!

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Who are these Firestorms we never met?!?!

Warning, the following contains SPOILERS for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12.








The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 closed the door on the international Firestorm protocols. One particular panel on page 7 has grabbed my interest.

Firestorms Terminated by Zither drawn by Yildiray Cinar and Marlo Alquiza with colors by Hi-Fi from FURY OF FIRESTORM #12

You can clearly see Rakshasi (already “x”ed out), Hurricane, Firehawk, and two other mysterious Firestorms (also already “x”ed out). One of the mysterious Firestorms appears to be the Chinese Firestorm that has been teased once or twice (see “Know Your Firestorms – New 52 Edition“).  The other in blue is a complete mystery to me.

I gotta know, who are these Firestorms?!?!? The suspense is killing me! Also, will we ever see their character design sketches? Yildiray, Joe, Ethan, Gail… anyone! Please let us know! C’mon, please don’t make a match-head beg.

Support Firestorm (whoever they are)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm #12 Review and Listener Feedback – FIRE AND WATER #28

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 28th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Shag and Rob talk about The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 (by Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, Daniel DHR, Walden Wong, Travis Lanham, and Hi-Fi)! We also chat about Rob’s major award, Shag’s podcast-cheating on Rob, and our new Tumblr site! Finally, the podcast wraps up with a double-sized dose of your listener feedback!

You can find the 28th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (38 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site at

As promised during the show, here is a link to Sean Tiffany’s podcast and blog, Back to the Drawing Board! Also, below you’ll find Andy Kapellusch’s concept for a spin-off podcast, THE KNOT AND SCAVENGE PODCAST!

The Knot and Scavenge Podcast by Andrew Kapellusch

Finally, check out the virgin cover (meaning without the logos) to the The Fury of Firestorm issue covered on this podcast! Click to enlarge!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 cover by Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi color

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