It’s comic convention season, so that means it’s cosplay season too! One of our favorite cosplaying Match-heads is Allen Hansard! Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen organizes the massive cosplay photoshoots at DragonCon each year for the Superhero Costuming Forum. These photoshoots are legendary! You’ve got to see them to believe them!
One of the more interesting cosplaying phenomena in the past few years is the proliferation of “box heroes”. These are elaborate costumes made from flat packaging cardboard with squarish features (yes, squarish is a word — I had to Google it to be sure). That’s right, cardboard box superheroes! This year for DragonCon, Allen is constructing a Firestorm box hero! Check out the work in progress below…
To give you an idea what a completed box hero looks like, below you’ll find box hero versions of Spider-Man and Iron Man! For more on the Box Hero Corps, visit their Facebook page or their blog.
Doesn’t that Firestorm box hero look amazing?!?!?! I can’t wait to see the final product at DragonCon this year. Firestorm’s hair presented some interesting challenges for the box engineers. Their flame design is really inventive! Allen and the people helping him were really thinking “outside the box” on this one. Y’know, other cosplayers just don’t “stack” up to Allen; they’re just “squares”. Okay, enough of my bad puns. I’ll “pack” it in.
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“Firestorm Box Hero” — is that like Juke Box Hero?
Firestorm Box Hero
Got Blank In His Eyes