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The 29th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
This episode was recorded live at Dragon*Con 2012! Shag and special guest Michael Bailey (From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast, Views from the Longbox) run down their Dragon*Con experience! Lots of discussion on cosplay, trade paperbacks, and convention hijinks!!
You can find the 29th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (26 MB).
My thanks to Michael Bailey and Rob Kelly for doing all the post-production on this special episode! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!
Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at firewaterpodcast@comcast.net. Visit our Tumblr site at fireandwaterpodcast.tumblr.com.
Keep up with Michael Bailey through these podcasts:
- Views from the Longbox
- From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast
- Bailey’s Batman Podcast
- PAD Smash: Incredible Hulk Homepage
- Back to the Bins: A Two True Freaks podcast
- Comics Monthly Monday: A Two True Freaks podcast
For more on the amazing cosplay photoshoots, visit the Superhero Costuming Forum! Check out below Fire and Water — Box Hero style!
Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Alwys good to have Shagg and Mike together on a podcast. Dragoncon sounds like it was alot of fun, I think ill try and go next year.
Did you see the DC Robot Chicken?
1. There was talk of attending Dragon*Con this year with friends, but schedules and finances never panned out. Pooh.
2. Is this the first proper podcast without Rob (discounting the interview audio phone-ins?) It’s always weird when you guys separate, like Archie Bunker’s Place. Does that mean Rob is Carroll O’Connor or Jean Stapleton, and does Michael Bailey become Danielle Brisebois in that equation?
3. Michael Bailey likes Superman IV? Poor Michael Bailey.
4. That quiz show? Exact same thing happened to me in middle school during an academic tournament with a film history component. I spent the whole thing nailing question after question in the audience, but only got something like 2 of 3 on my turn. KAAAAHHHNNN!!!!
5. Slabbing is for suckers. It’s basically everything I hate about comic collecting summed up in reading material rendered permanently inaccessible by being frozen in carbonate.
6. Let me join the choir as a guy who started reading comics with Batman, peaking in the late ’80s with the works of Frank Miller, Jim Starlin and Alan Moore. I also lost pretty much all interest in Batman by the late ’90s. Today, it’s almost impossible to motivate me to read anything Batman. I don’t even care much for the Nolan movies. Whoooaaaa, AVENGERS!
7. Talking of, I cut my teeth on Marvel’s cosmic comics. Jim Starlin was my first fan favorite creator thanks to early exposure to Captain Marvel and Warlock. The latter just got a must read Essential edition, and the artwork is gorgeous in black and white (although I still recommend the mid-80s Deluxe Edition color reprints, because they’re gorgeous +6.) Starlin basically taught me my distrust of organized religion and politics from an early age, and I thank him for it. Not so much the morbid dwelling on schizophrenia and existential tumult, although that made for some trippy comics. I still haven’t met Starlin, so to hell with you guys.
8. Nice work fellas. Cons aren’t necessarily conductive to feedback, so get Michael Bailey back sometime to cover the many team-ups between Superman, Aquaman, and the Firestorm.
Thanks for the comments!
@Keith – DragonCon is an insane 4 day party! I actually go through culture shock when I try to reintegrate with the “normal” world.
@James – Check this link
@Frank –
1) You should totally be there next year!
2) Thank you for the obscure reference of the day. 😉 We missed Aqua-rob, but somehow managed to soldier on.
3) It’s a sickness. He takes pills for it.
4) It’s like Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. It seems easy from you couch. Get in the spotlight and try to answer yourself and you freeze. Real life is weird. TV life is better.
5) Slab = not my thing either.
6) Batman… Sure, I used to be into Batman. But it was just a phase. I promise. I was young, curious, and and a little bit experimental. I’ve moved on now.
7) I’m just discovering Starlin’s cosmic stuff within the past year. These bronze age comics hold up better than many others.
8) Nice suggestion! Thanks!
Rob’s voice sounded a little off in this episode. I know Shag mentioned having a cold/sore throat, but Rob sounded even worse, like neither his head nor heart were really into this conversation.
It’s terrific that Rob won his award and all, but I hope this isn’t a sign his ego is too big for this wonderful podcast. The last thing Fire & Water needs is for the Shrine component to go all David Caruso circa 1993 NYPD BLUE on everybody.
Hey… I like Superman IV aswell… It was better than the following movies: Electra, Catwoman, Ghost Rider 1 & 2 and ofcourse Spiderman 3!
I kid ofcourse… But I still like Superman IV….
I like that Frank suggests having me back on to talk about Firestorm and Aquaman’s team ups with Superman and Shag just rolls right on by.
And I don’t take pills for liking Superman IV anymore.
They have a patch now.