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Firestorm Endorses East Jordan, Michigan

Firestorm is such a great guy! When he’s not saving the world, he’s taking time out of his busy day to help increase tourism in small communities! For example, he appears inside the visitors guide for East Jordan, Michigan. Below you’ll find the cover. Notice Wonder Woman and Superman also appear to be staunch supporters of East Jordan, however, I’m guessing they only appeared here at the behest of The Nuclear Man.

East Jordan Visitors Guide featuring Superman and Wonder Woman

While two of The Big Three merely got the cover, Firestorm managed to land the coveted Library page! Good for you, Firestorm! Here you can see The Nuclear Man supporting important community services such as disc cleaning to repair PS3 games. Thank goodness for that!

East Jordan Michigan Visitors Guide featuring Firestorm

Other superheroes came out to support East Jordan too! For example, Aquaman appears on the page just before Firestorm. We must have a flock of FIRE AND WATER PODCAST listeners in East Jordan! Click here for Aquaman Shrine’s coverage of this visitors guide. Other heroes supporting this Michigan landmark include: Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Hawkwoman, Batgirl, Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Yellowjacket, Wonder Man, Vision (who apparently needed to be specifically identified for the readers), and finally Buzz Lightyear & Sheriff Woody! Now that I think about it, this might just be the ultimate superhero team-up of ultimate destiny!

My thanks to Lil’ Russell Burbage from Petoskey for sending this my way! He happened upon this visitors guide and knew I’d just love it! Ironically, East Jordan is only about one hour from where I was born! Crazy small world!

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Dan Jurgens on Firestorm, But Not What You’d Expect

Dan Jurgens upcoming debut on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men is not the first time he has worked on a Firestorm monthly comic. Surprised? I thought so.

Back in 2007 Dan Jurgens did the layouts for Firestorm The Nuclear Man #33. The issue was written by Dwayne McDuffie, penciled by Ken Lashley, inked by Rob Stull, and colored by Brad Anderson. Dig out your back issues and check out this comic! Jurgens, Lashley, Stull and Anderson deliver some beautiful artwork in this story. If you study the panel design, figure positioning, and perspective, you’ll notice this comic is incredibly well put together. There is no way to know how much is Jurgens and how much is Lashley, but clearly together they make a great team!

 Firestorm vol 3 #33, layouts by Dan Jurgens

An added bonus to rereading this issue is remembering that short-lived era when Jason would merge with Professor Stein to create Firestorm. They had a great dynamic together and not enough time to explore it. Plus, in this issue you witness Firestorm holding his own against the New God Orion! That’s not something you get to see everyday!

Support Firestorm (and Dan Jurgens)! Fan the flame!

Saturday Morning in Front of La Salle De Justice

Remember the famous painting “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Georges Seurat? … What do you mean, “No”? Really? How about this … Remember the pointillism painting from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? Ah, now we’re on the same page.

Below you’ll find Rey Taira’s super-cool digital print on canvas featuring numerous DC superheroes in their New 52 stylings. He titled the painting, “Saturday Morning in Front of La Salle De Justice.” Check out Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm Protocol version) chatting with Captain Atom! Sweet! Click the image to enlarge; we’re talking crazy-big size!

Saturday Morning in Front of La Salle de Justice

This painting is featured in the Darkness & Light exhibition currently touring the United States as part of DC Entertainment’s We Can Be Heroes initiative to combat hunger in the Horn of Africa. Check out their website and do what you can to help.

Taira also did a companion piece featuring DC supervillains as counterparts to the heroes entitled, “Sunday Evening by the Legion of Doom.” It’s a fun piece, but he used Captain Cold as Firestorm’s opposite. Weird. You can see this companion piece over on Comic Vine.

I became aware of this fantastic piece over on Diabolu Frank’s Martian Manhunter blog, The Idol-Head of Diabolu. Be sure to check it out! Thanks, Frank!

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Favorite Covers: Crisis on Infinite Earths #12

Sorry folks, no FIRE AND WATER PODCAST this week. However, just to prove I still like you Match-heads and Aquanauts, here is a fantastic cover featuring both the Nuclear Man and the King of the Seven Sea! It’s the astonishing Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 cover by George Perez! This particular version comes from the collected editions; you’ll notice it’s sans all the pricing and corner boxes. This way you can see more of Perez’s amazing art, and most importantly Firestorm’s butt. Okay, maybe its not all that important, but some people might care. Click the image to enlarge.

Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 cover by Geore Perez, collected edition version

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Dan Jurgens Firestorm Sketch Card – Auction Tomorrow

Check out this cool sketch card by incoming Fury of Firestorm writer/artist Dan Jurgens! This card was posted to Comic Art Fans by the Midwest Comic Book Association (MCBA). If I’m interpreting their site correctly, this card will be up for auction at the MCBA FallCon tomorrow in Saint Paul, Minnesota! All proceeds will be donated to charity, so be generous and remember its for a good cause! If you attend the convention, be sure to visit with Dan Jurgens and tell him FIRESTORM FAN sent you!

Dan Jurgens Firestorm sketch card

My thanks to Jon the Firestorm art collector (also from Fizzit, the Firestorm-themed blog) for the heads-upon this piece!

Support Firestorm (and Dan Jurgens)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm in New 52 Trading Card Set

Back in September, Cryptozoic Entertainment released a set of trading cards for DC Comics The New 52. This set features all-new, original art, with a base set of 71 cards that cover some of the best-known characters from DC Comics. The text is written by Adam Beechen with art by numerous different artists. If you’re a collector there are also several chase card opportunities, such as: foil, die-cut Lanterns cards; lenticular Work-In-Progress cards; and rare artist sketch cards.

Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond Firestorm Protocol incarnation) was included in the set! Check out the gorgeous Todd Nauck Firestorm card below! By the way, just in case I’ve never said it here… I LOVE TODD NAUCK’S ART! I’ve been a fan for years and follow his blog regularly.  Todd’s done some Firestorm commissions previously, but I believe this is the first time he’s drawn the character officially for DC Comics!

Todd Nauck Firestorm DC Comics The New 52 Trading Card

As mentioned, the set also contains rare artist sketch cards. These inserts feature original artwork from over 100 sketch card artists. To give you an idea how rare these sketch cards are, the distribution is 1 artist sketch card per 24 packs of cards. Check out this artist sketch card by Dan Borgonos featuring the brand-new, post Fury of Firestorm #0 incarnation!

Dan Borgonos draws Firestorm for the DC Comics The New 52 artist sketch card

Pretty cool that Firestorm was included in the set twice! For a checklist of the entire trading card set, click here!

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News: Jurgens on FIRESTORM, Cinar’s next gig, video & audio fun, and more!

It’s been ages since I ran an installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead!

Dan Jurgens cover for The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #13

Earth 2 #8 cover by Yildiray Cinar

  • Months ago match-head Lee Novak directed me to a Firestorm reference in Action Comics #9. Sadly I’ve failed to mention it before now. So go dig in your long boxes and pull out that issue. In the backup story, the President of the United States (who is also the Superman of Earth 23) informs the leader of the DC fictional terrorist country of Quirac that he is taking out his country’s nuclear program by destroying his “Firestorm Labratories”. My thanks to Lee for this heads-up!
  • Over on YouTube, check out Monkey Boy’s video review of the Firestorm issue of Eaglemoss’ DC Comics Super Hero Collection Magazine. Click here to check it out!
  • If you haven’t checked out the FIRESTORM FAN Tumblr, give it a try! Tumblr is a great service for sharing images, so you’ll find lots of Firestorm shots you won’t see on my other sites. Click here to check it out!
  • Finally, on a personal note Newsarama published two of my comic book reviews on Monday! I’m honored to join their BEST SHOTS team! Special thanks to my editor for guiding my ramblings towards some semblance of a well constructed review. Check out my reviews here!

That’s it for today!

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Firestorm Went Skydiving With Me

Last week I went skydiving and Firestorm came with me! Skydiving is something I’ve wanted to do my whole life. Since I was turning 40, I figured now was a good time to scratch this off the bucket list!  My wonderful wife was kind enough to arrange this for my birthday!  Thank you, Gena!

We booked the event with Skydive Jacksonville. Several of my family members made the trip to help celebrate the occasion — or collect my remains if it went horribly wrong! Those making the trek included my wife, daughter, stepson, father, stepmother, sister, and brother-in-law.  It was so nice of them to travel just to see me jump!  I wore my Superman t-shirt for the occasion.  I considered wearing my Firestorm shirt, but if you are flying you gotta go with Superman, right?  I did carry a small Firestorm action figure in my pocket (the DC Universe Action League Firestorm, based upon the Brightest Day costume design), just so I could say Firestorm made the jump with me.  Check him out below!

DC Universe Action League Firestorm joins me for my skydive!

I tandem jumped with a great guy named Kevin. Kevin was so pumped and energetic; you’d never guess he had skydived nearly 3,000 times! Also, his son jumped with us and it was fun jump with the father/son duo at the same time.

I thought I’d be nervous before the jump but I wasn’t at all. I felt supercharged and really excited! I was amazed the plane ride was so smooth. Normally when I fly my stomach momentarily drops during takeoff, but this was smooth as could be — probably the smoothest airplane ride I’ve ever had! We climbed to 12,500 feet (a little over two miles in the air)! I was able to see all of Jacksonville — even the coast — in the hazy distance. As we opened the door of the plane and prepared to jump, I felt only excitement – no fear! Below you’ll see a photo take just after we jumped. It may be hard to tell in the photo, but I’m cheering with excitement!


We free-falled (free-fell?) for about 7,000 feet over the course of 45 seconds. If I’ve done my sums correctly, that means we were falling at over 100 miles an hour! Surprisingly, the jump wasn’t scary at all. It was very smooth and the pressure of the wind made me feel supported instead of out of control. I did a few Superman flying poses — c’mon, you should have expected that.  It was very, very loud and I could barely hear myself cheering.  Then the parachute was deployed; also much smoother than I expected. It suddenly became very quiet and Kevin and I could talk in nearly normal voices. It was absolutely breathtaking! The video and pictures don’t do it justice.  We sailed the remaining distance over about five minutes, doing some fun spirals and spins!  For the landing, we came in fairly slow over the field we started from and slid to a halt on our bottoms.  I will admit I hit the ground at just the wrong angle and bumped my tailbone pretty hard.  It’s still sore a week later, but it’s slowly getting better.  That was the only downside to the jump!

I had an absolute blast and look forward to jumping again! It was a fantastic way to celebrate my 40th birthday! If you’d like to watch the video, check it out below!

If you’re unable to see the embedded video above, please click here.

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Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 32nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

The Zero Episode! This time Rob and Shag talk about Aquaman #0 (by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis) and The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #0 (by the outgoing creative team of Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi)! Fantastic stand-alone issues that will please new and long-time readers! Finally, the podcast wraps up with your listener feedback!

You can find the 32nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (34 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site at

Finally, check out the gorgeous covers to the zero issues of Aquaman and Fury of Firestorm covered on this podcast!

Aquaman #0 by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #0 by Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, and Marlo Alquiza

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Farewell to Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar and Marlo Alquiza

Well, I guess it’s time to say goodbye…

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #0 was released yesterday; the final issue for the creative team of writer Joe Harris, penciller Yildiray Cinar, and inker Marlo Alquiza. I’m very sad to see these guys go. New writer/penciller Dan Jurgens debuts on Firestorm next month and will undoubtedly produce excellent comics, but I’ll still miss Joe, Yildiray, and Marlo. I really enjoyed their issues of The Fury of Firestorm! Yildiray has been with the book since the first issue, penciling 11 of the 13 issues; Joe has written seven of the issues, initially co-plotting with Ethan Van Sciver; and Marlo has been brilliantly inking the book for five issues. Each of these creators have brought their own unique style and voice, enriching the Firestorm cast of characters and mythology.

Not only are these guys amazingly talented, but they are also incredibly nice and have been very supportive of FIRESTORM FAN. Please continue to follow these fantastic creators on their next projects! You can support Joe Harris by purchasing his new creator-owned series debuting in November, Great Pacific coming from Image Comics. Keep an eye on Joe Harris’ website for future updates. Support Yildiray Cinar by pre-ordering Earth-2 #7 & #8 as it was just announced that Yildiray will be drawing those two issues. Watch Yildiray Cinar on Twitter for the most up-to-date information. Marlo Alquiza is currently recuperating from an injury, but helped out on a few pages of the upcoming Team 7 #1. Check Marlo Alquiza’s Facebook page to keep up with his activities. As more information becomes available about upcoming projects from these creators, we’ll be sure to share the news. By supporting their upcoming projects, you are supporting the creators. Then it’s not really “goodbye”, it’s “see you soon!”

I’m focusing on these three creators today because they’ve just finished their tenure on the book. However, I should take a moment to recognize some of the other talented folks that have contributed to this great run of Firestorm: Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone, Norm Rapmund, Travis Lanham, Steve Buccellato, Hi-Fi Color, Daniel HDR, Walden Wong, Rachel Gluckstern, and Rickey Purdin.

THANK YOU from us Match-heads to all the creators involved in making the last 13 issues of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Good luck in all your future endeavors!

Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #0 by Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, and Marlo Alquiza

Support Firestorm (and Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, and Marlo Alquiza)! Fan the flame!

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