This week on the SUPER MATES PODCAST, Chris Franklin and The Irredeemable Shag sit down to debate whether CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS was necessary! While not specifically Firestorm related, I wanted to mention this episode as it’s a crossover with our own FIRE & WATER PODCAST! Earlier this week on the FIRE &WATER PODCAST, Chris Franklin and Shag reviewed old comic book advertisements. Be sure to check out this episode of the SUPER MATES PODCAST!
My thanks to Chris and Cindy for having me on their show! After listening to this episode, be sure to check out other episodes of this outstanding podcast!
Support Firestorm (and the Super Mates Podcast)! Fan the flame!

So, I’ve now seen both in “official” contexts. Is it “Shag” or “Shagg”?
Ha! Good catch! It’s actually one “G”. Facebook forces me to use a second “G” due to the British meaning. Therefore, so many people know me with two “G”s, that both are now acceptable.
For example, when George Perez draws you a Firestorm sketch and spells Shagg with two “G”s, you don’t correct the man!!
Obviously Shag is Earth-1 and Shagg is Earth-2.
Heck, I didn’t know this myself! I figured two Gs was correct, so I went with that!