Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Justice League of America #9 in stores today! This issue continues the Forever Evil storyline, as Martian Manhunter and Stargirl struggle to bring the other League members to their senses and escape the Crime Syndicate’s bizarre prison. If you’ve read Forever Evil #3, then you know this issue may be of interest to Firestorm fans!
If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to IGN to check out the five page preview! This issue is written by Matt Kindt with art from Tom Derenick. Below is the cover by Doug Mahnke and Gabe Eltaeb! Click the image below to enlarge.
We’ll talk later. Hopefully there will be some Firestormy-goodness to discuss. Leave your comments here!
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Oh look, a Yankee Poodle cameo!
Hoping DC will shock us and reveal that, while an animated show, the Zoo Crew characters are actually alive in the New 52 (and the only one to remember the old continuity) and filming it like regular actors film a show. Yeah, I know. Probably giving them too much credit to have a cool idea like that.