DC has been teasing the upcoming Trinity War for quite some time! Well, they finally released some promotional art, issue solicitations, and an article in USA Today! Below you’ll find the promotional art for the crossover. Click to enlarge and get a better view of this amazing artwork by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis!
Did you notice a certain hot-headed guy in the background battling a certain star-spangled cutie? Below is a close-up in case you missed it. Given that Ronnie, Jason, and Courtney are all teenagers, might be interesting to see a romance blossom between them. Something similar was hinted at between Firestorm and Power Girl back during the JLA/JSA Bronze Age crossovers as they were each the youngest of their respective teams.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

I can’t manage to dredge up any excitement for yet another “event.” The Firestorm cameo is cool, but I wonder if he’ll get any decent panel time in the actual story.
“Did you notice a certain hot-headed guy in the background battling a certain star-spangled cutie?”
Yeah, Green Lantern getting burned by Superman is pretty hard to miss, Shag.
Beyond that, Firestorm and Stargirl is a romantic pairing I would not object to. Their tabloid nickname could be Ronsoney!
So if Star-Girl gets with Firestorm… Is that considered as a threesome?
I apologise if that comment was atad dirty… I have been watching alot of Kevin Smith movies of late, and I think they have left my mind a little filthy.
Looks like fun to me!
I love the look on Green Arrow’s face as Superman is breaking his bow. “Uh, not cool bro, that’s like my THING!” 😀
Darkest Night/Brightest Day was the ONLY thing that convinced me that DC was relatively concerned about the direction of Firestorm and his future……but after the debacle that was the Nu52 relaunch….eh….i’ll pass…
Yay for Firestorm but the real question is where is Vibe? did I miss him?