Welcome back for the sixth day of Mayfairstivus, the nine day celebration of Mayfair Games’ DC Heroes Role-Playing Game! We took a break on Saturday and Sunday, but we’re back today for more Mayfairstivus holiday fun! Today we’ll be looking at the one and only Firestorm module published for the DC Heroes RPG back in 1986. I’m presenting several scans from the module to give you a flavor of the content. Additionally, we’ll see statistics from the DC Heroes first edition RPG for Firestorm rogues: Slipknot, Silver Deer, and Stratos.
Below you’ll find the awesome cover to the Firestorm module, “An Element of Danger”! The cover was sketched by Ed Hannigan, pencilled by Denys Cowan, inked by Bob Smith, and colored by Bob LeRose. The perspective is kind of funky but I still dig it. You can’t beat Dr. Alchemy and Matter Master standing over a steaming cauldron! Check out the classic henchmen in the back. Love it! Steve Perrin wrote the module and Jackie H. Leeper was the editor. Final note, interesting that Mayfair chose to use the Firestorm logo from the first ongoing series, rather than the Fury of Firestorm logo from the series being published at the time.
Below is the back cover to the module. I love old promotional copy!
Below is the table of contents. Kind of a cool shot of the nuclear man!
Below is the all-important Gamemaster’s Introduction. This page was intended for the person running the game (i.e. controlling the flow of the story and the villains). This page presented some back story on the adventure as well as a summary that helped the Gamemaster prepare. To read the page, click the image for an enlarged version.
Below you’ll find information on the Firestorm rogue Silver Deer. The statistics presented are from Mayfair’s DC Heroes RPG first edition. Personally I always found Silver Deer fairly alluring. Maybe that’s just me.
Next up we’ve got RPG statistics for the Firestorm rogue Stratos.
The final set of RPG statistics for today belongs to Firestorm rogue Slipknot! Slipknot appeared a few times in Mayfair’s DC Heroes RPG (like in the Suicide Squad sourcebook).
Finally, the page below is presented as an example of a typical encounter. To read the page, click the image for an enlarged version.
That’s it for our coverage of “An Element of Danger”! While we didn’t present the entire module here, I hope this gave you a taste of the content. It’s a shame Firestorm didn’t get any further modules or a sourcebook, however, I’m thankful for the one module we did get!
Don’t forget, the Mayfairstivus celebration continues at the following blogs! Be sure to check them out throughout the Mayfairstivus celebration (Dec. 1-9). I’d like to send a quick thank you to Walter from the BOO$TERRIFIC blog! He provided me with a Photoshop template that adds a nice shadow effect on the scanned cards we displayed on Friday. Thanks Walter! Additionally, a huge thanks to Frank Lee Delano (of the blogs: Martian Manhunter: Idol-Head of Diabolu, Justice League Detroit, Atom: Power of the Atom, Wonder Woman: Diana Prince, DC Bloodlines, and …nurgh…) who not only masterminded the crossover, he also provided most of the card scans! Thanks, Frank!
- The Anti-Didio League of America
- The Aquaman Shrine
- Booster Gold: BOO$TERRIFIC
- Comics Make Me Happy!
- The Continuity Blog
- DC Bloodlines
- Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman
- Doom Patrol: My Greatest Adventure #80
- Flash: Speed Force
- Girls Gone Geek
- Green Lantern: The Indigo Tribe
- Hawkman: Being Carter Hall
- Justice League Detroit
- Martian Manhunter: The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- Once Upon a Geek
- Power of the Atom
- Subject: The Suicide Squad (Task Force X)
- Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Come back tomorrow when we look at the RPG statistics for the new Thinker (a.k.a. Cliff Carmichael) and Brimstone!
Support Firestorm (and Mayfairstivus)! Fan the flame!

Man, I really missed out on this game!
Black Bison and Silver Deer as well!! Awesome! Bison was always my favorite (alternating with Hyena) Stormy foe!
[…] Firestorm Fan (Day 1) (Day 2) (Day 3) (Day 6*) […]
Dang it! I was all set to mock Firestorm’s foes (as usual,) but these guys actually have pretty good stats. Slipknot seems to be a Batroc– way outclassed by a more powerful personal foe, but damned formidable when looked at objectively. I liked him in his Suicide Squad appearances, too.
So wait, Firestorm “heroically” kept the U.S. grip over Native lands? Wes Studi wept, but Ronnie’s a republican!
It came upon a Mayfairstivus clear! Great write-up Shag! I am blown away by this game module about my favorite hero I had no prior knowledge of. And the title is perfectly punny. Reading the summary I liked how obvious yet convoluted the plot was. Great touch how they added the magic factor by including Silver Deer (she is hot btw).
Mr. Element and Matter Master teaming up? What is this, the “guys who should be able to put up a better fight but routinely get their butts kicked” club? Still, I could see someone like Johns running with an idea like this one at some point if the Hawks do a guest spot in the Flash, although the last time Matter Master showed up he… didn’t fare so well against Hawkman. Is the original Dr. Alchemy/Mr. Element still alive? I know there was a second Mr. Element who was murdered by Captain Cold a few years back.
Still, in a game where the GM can make the foes as serious or dangerous as needed, those two would make for a good challenge.
And Frank, good call on Slipknot as Batroc Zee Le-pair. Is it too much to hope for him to make an appearance in the Cap movie? Maybe as a French operative of the Red Skull who tries to take out Cap in Paris? Huh? Huh?
Thanks for all the comments!
Slipknot is one of my favorite “goofy” villains simply because he was in the very first Firestorm issue I purchased. Who would have thought a rope could defeat a living nuclear reactor! They should have had more rope on Three Mile Island.
I could totally see Geoff Johns pulling in all the various Dr Alchemy/Mr. Element/Matter Master characters. Sounds like something from his bag of tricks.
Thanks again for the comments!
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