DC Universe: The Source blog recently posted a variant cover for Brightest Day #11. This Firestorm-centric cover is by David Finch and Scott Williams. What a gorgeous piece of work!
Does this mean Firestorm will face off against the Black Lantern Firestorm in Brightest Day #11? Maybe, maybe not. The covers for Brightest Day haven’t always corresponded with that particular issue, more like the Brightest Day overall storyline. I guess we’ll find out sooner or later.
My thanks to Brandon DP (bdog) for sending this my way!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

I can’t wait until this series is out in trades. Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for the Blackest Night trades too.
Hopefully Newsarama won’t give you a ton of crap for posting this!
That’s a great cover and my new wallpaper to boot!
After the revelations of this issue Do you think here is a connection between Shadowstorm and the presence detected in the matrix? I always had suspected it. We need a complete post about Shadowstorm then.
@Ed – You’ll get there. Patience young Padawan. 😉
@Luke – LOL! Thanks!
@Dan – I love this Brightest Day cover too. However, my wallpaper is still that Phil Jimenez Alpha Flight drawing I first heard about on your site! It’s awesome! Thanks!
@Ziggy – Interesting. I’ll have to think on that. I’d be surprised if they brought back Shadowstorm. While I like the character, I’m not sure he’d be relevant to the current Firestorm. However, I like the idea of doing a profile on him here on FIRESTORM FAN! Thanks for the suggestion!
Shadowstorm? I don’t think I know about Shadowstorm. What is that from? I did just finish reading Brightest Day #10 and it was awesome, mostly about Firestorm but I won’t spoil I’ll only recommend it to every fan of matchhead out there. Another inquiry for Shag, have you ever done a profile of Cliff Carmichael? He is one of my favorite characters.
If I may be so bold (and since Shag’s already linked to it elsewhere in the blog), here’s the bit I did on Shadowstorm some time back. – http://transformingseminarian.blogspot.com/2010/02/shadowstorm-firestorms-very-own-bizarro.html
That said, I agree with the above. Bringing back Shadowstorm at this point in time strikes me as extremely unlikely (especially in light of the significant retcons BD#10 seems to be using).
Mark – Once again, great write-up on Shadowstorm! I recently re-read Ostrander’s run on Firestorm and his Captain Atom issues with Shadowstorm. Interesting character, but I doubt we’ll see him again.
Cool blog thanks Nicodemus Legend. Now I totally remember the story featuring Shadowstorm. It sucks getting old and forgetting things but luckily I have you guys to remind me. Keep up the good work Shag and I’ll keep checking back in with you for more great stuff. Now if only there were a profile about Cliff Carmichael …