A couple recent web comics have poked some fun at our favorite Nuclear Man. While I stand up for Firestorm every chance I get, it doesn’t hurt to chuckle once in a while. As Ed Raymond would probably say, “Any press is good press!” Enjoy!
First one up is a guest strip from the web comic Shortpacked! Strip by David Henyon and Matt Karpowich.
The next web comic comes from Gutters. Strip by Corey Kramer and Robert C. Tracy. My thanks to our good buddy Jon over at the Fizzit blog for sending this my way.
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Good Stuff, Shag. Thanks for posting these.
Hey glad you enjoyed our Gutters guest strip. Thanks for telling people about it. Check out our regular comics at Remedial Comics Dot Com. 😉
Notable Villains: I represent that remark. I was reading Firestorm and Blue Devil at the same time in the ’80s, and Blue Devil had the better villains. I’m not saying Nebiros, Shockwave, the Trickster, or Bolt are any great shakes, but the basic inequality between the Nuclear Man and these guys left me scratching my head. It’s like Superman versus Terra-Man– you can’t understand why anyone thought this was a good idea.
Those are really funny strips. I think it’s important not to take oneself too seriously. This is a perfect example.