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Brightest Day, Toys, Appearances, Cartoons, and more!

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News!  Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead.  It’s been a while since I did a rundown like this, so there is quite a bit.

  • Be sure to pick up Brightest Day #6 from your local comic shop.  We finally see the new Firestorm in action!
  • Not much Firestorm news came out of San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) this year.  I’ve only come across two news items, both toy related.  I’ve outlined them below, click here for the full scoop on Mattel’s panel at SDCC on DC toys.
    • The Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League is being re-branded into the DC Universe Action League.  The line will now have added articulation and feature characters from all over the DCU. A DC Universe Action League pack containing Firestorm and Black Lantern Firestorm has been announced.  No specific release date identified.  I gotta assume this re-branding is being done to compete with Marvel’s highly-successful Super Hero Squad.
    • The Justice League Unlimited Firestorm action figure (featured here previously) will be repackaged in a three-pack with Killer Frost and the Angle Man.  Watch for that in early Spring 2011.  I don’t have a Killer Frost figure, so that will be nice.  An Angle Man figure… really?  Lovely.

CBR: Allen Thornton noted that many people, he included, missed a very significant clue in “Blackest Night” #8 that Deadman was the new White Lantern. It wasn’t until it was mentioned to him that he saw the White Ring on his finger, which he then mentioned to a friend, passing the awareness on. His question is was there any other subtle clues like that in “Blackest Night” and “Brightest Day” that he and others may have missed and once they’re revealed will cause a collective head slap? And if there are clues, are you surprised that people are not seeing them?

GEOFF JOHNS: There are clues for just about everything. There are clues about Firestorm. His story is just beginning and where Jason and Ronnie go, you can go back to “Blackest Night” and see some seeds that will be touched on. The stories were really set up because we knew we were going to be doing a lot with Jason and Mera post-“Blackest Night” and “Brightest Day,” so you should go back, and check out what was planted, especially with Mera and Firestorm, but there are other things too, with the White Lantern, specifically. The history of what the White Lantern is doing on Earth and where it’s going and what’s happening to it now, all comes to light in #7.

CBR: Are there any heroes that you find particularly tricky or difficult to draw?

DAVID FINCH: Characters that have very structured costumes, as opposed to more anatomical ones are always challenging for me. I always struggle with characters that have energy powers, too. Firestorm is a great character, but I always feel like I’m fighting with my drawings of him.

October's Return of the Black Lanterns

Firestorm Brightest Day action figure

Firestorm Magnet from

  • While Firestorm foes Summer Day and Dr. Jivan Shi may be deceased, the Hyena curse lives on!  Several were-hyenas appeared in Zatanna #2, written by Paul Dini and drawn by Stephane Roux and Karl Story.  My thanks to tigner02 on the DC Comics Message Board for pointing out this appearance. See the pages below.

Zatanna versus the Hyena

Zatanna versus the Hyena

  • Firehawk made a one-panel cameo in Justice League of America #45, written by James Robinson and drawn by Mark Bagley, Rob Hunter, and Norm Rapmund.  Notice below she’s wearing one of her older costumes.

Justice League of America #45 featuring Firehawk in one panel

  • Our good buddy Frank, a friend to the FIRESTORM FAN site and author of numerous blogs, shared his own personal thoughts about the Nuclear Man over on the DC Bloodlines blog.  Be warned, Frank does not have a very high opinion of Firestorm’s adventures, however, his comments are well-written and well thought out.  I find myself agreeing with some of Frank’s points, while disagreeing with others.  That’s the beauty of civilized fandom, we can have differing opinions and yet all get along.  Frank’s other sites include blogs dedicated to: Martian Manhunter, Justice League Detroit, Wonder Woman, Captain Atom and the Atom, and his own blog …nurgh…
  • Firestorm appeared once again on the Batman: Brave and the Bold cartoon back on June 13.  In the episode, “The Siege of Starro! Part One” Firestorm was featured prominently along with a handful of other heroes.  Part Two has not aired yet, so I gotta believe Part One was the season finale or mid-season finale.

Booster Gold, Firestorm, Captain Marvel (Shazam), B'Wana Beast on Batman Brave & the Bold Siege of Starro

  • xBrandonHexx has put together a YouTube tribute video to Killer Frost.  It’s got some good music and is worth your time if you are interested in the character.  Click here to watch the Killer Frost YouTube tribute video.
  • The Back to the Bins podcast recently tackled DC Comics Presents #45, a 1982 Superman/Firestorm team-up published a month before the Fury of Firestorm series premiered.  Back to the Bins is hosted by my good buddies Scott Gardner and Michael Bailey.  To listen to Back to the Bins #59, please visit the Two True Freaks site by clicking here.  Here is the description for the Back to the Bins podcast:
    • Disenfranchised by the modern comics industry, Scott Gardner and Michael Bailey (of “View From The Longbox” and “From Crisis To Crisis: A Superman Podcast” fame) now ply the timestream in a never-ending quest to re-discover and re-connect with that unique brand of fun and excitement that can only truly be found in good ol’ fashioned randomly-selected Comic Book back issues!! Journey with them now…back…Back To The Bins!
  • I recently came across a 13-inch custom Firestorm doll on eBay (see below).  When the auction ended, it had not received any bids.  Click here to see the eBay auction.

Firestorm custom action figure on eBay

Firestorm Heroscape Custom Figure

Firestorm, Superman, and Green Lantern by Rex Zachary

That’s it for today!

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  1. Luke says:

    My question is which Angle Man? Wasn’t the Post-Crisis Angle Man different from his Pre-Crisis counterpart? He was the guy that “knew all the angles” or something. Although considering we’re getting Cyclotron and Golden Pharaoh, why not Angle Man? 😉

    I always thought Firestorm’s costume would be difficult to draw. There’s a lot of lines and geometric shapes (much like the New Gods), and then you have the fire to deal with as well, so unless you pull a Superfriends you need to worry about inertia and momentum. That’s why Mario wears a hat, you know. (Seriously)

  2. Firestormfan89 says:

    I have a question that has been bugging me for several weeks now. Although it has nothing to do with todays post I feel compelled to ask. In a recent issue of Brightest Day we see Jason’s father whom I remember from the Firestorm series vol. 3 but back then he only had one arm. In Brightest Day he has both arms. Did I miss something? How was his arm restored? I assume Jason/Firestorm had some involvement perhaps during the brief period when he could manipulate organic matter, something Ronnie/Firestorm could never do. My memory just isn’t what it used to be so please help me out here if you can. Thanks.

  3. Shag says:

    @Luke – Thanks for the comment! I don’t mind them making an Angle Man figure, I just don’t want to have to own it. :)

    @Firestormfan89 – Great catch! That is something many of us Firestorm fans have been talking about. I read that and thought… WTF?!?! Alvin’s definitely one-handed. Also, last I recall Alvin was trying to reconcile with Jason’s mother. Now apparently she’s dead?!?! Apparently there has been some crazy off-screen adventures, I guess.


  4. Frank says:

    Thanks for the shout-out, and indirectly, a link to that Martian Manhunter magnet I’ve been looking for!

  5. […] Back in July I reported the Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League was being re-branded as the DC Universe Action League.  A DC Universe Action League pack containing Firestorm and Black Lantern Firestorm was announced during the San Diego ComicCon. […]

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