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Posts Tagged ‘Yildiray Cinar’

Keeping Up With the Hype for Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day!  It’s been four long years since Firestorm had his own monthly book and the wait is nearly over! For today I’ve compiled some hype-related links!  These should help keep your spirits up until you get your mitts on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1: DC Comics solicitation for THE […]

Advance Review: THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1 (No Spoilers)

THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1 is exactly what a good superhero comic should be — fun and fast-paced with a solid story!  Whether you’re new to Firestorm or a devoted match-head like me, you’ll enjoy the intriguing plot, relatable characters and gorgeous visuals! Co-plotter and cover artist Ethan Van Sciver was kind […]

Read Five Pages Right Now from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Wanna read five pages right now from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1?  If so, then head over to MTV Geek and check out their exclusive preview pages!  Click here to visit MTV Geek! Looks like we’re in for a wild ride!  THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1 by Ethan Van […]

Ethan Van Sciver Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an exclusive full-length interview with Ethan Van Sciver, co-plotter and cover artist for the upcoming FURY OF FIRESTORM series! With just one week before the release of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1, Ethan Van Sciver took time out of his busy schedule for a […]

Gail Simone Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an interview with co-plotter/script writer of the upcoming FIRESTORM series, Gail Simone! That’s right!  Gail Simone took time out of her very busy schedule for a brief chat with FIRESTORM FAN!  In addition to her work on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN, […]

New Art by Van Sciver & Cinar from Upcoming Firestorm Series

We’ve known Yildiray Cinar’s black and white marker work is amazing. Now check out this color piece that Yildiray shared on Twitter!  These gorgeous colors were done by Steve Buccellato.  You get a really good look at the new Firestorm costumes too!  Click the image to enlarge. Wow!  That was breathtaking!  This next image was […]

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3 Cover and Solicitation

Okay folks, looks like we’ve got an official title for the forth volume of Firestorm — THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN! It’s a nice riff on the second volume of Firestorm, with only one vowel difference. DC Comics revealed the cover and solicitation for THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #3 over […]

Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciver Interview on Newsarama

Yesterday Newsarama published a fantastic interview with Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciver about the new Firestorm series!  They discussed their writing process, why they chose to write Firestorm, the characters of Ronnie & Jason, the tone of the series, visual character designs, Yildiray Cinar’s contribution to the book, and much more.  Click here to […]

The Fury of Firestorms? Plural?

More information coming from this past weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con… It’s possible the title of the new series is “The Fury of Firestorms”. Plural. That’s what appeared on the Firestorm powerpoint slide during the DC Comics: The New 52 panel on Sunday (see below).  Apparently, Gail wasn’t sure if this was official. Given the set-up […]

Why Does Yildiray Cinar Hate the Planet Earth?

Why does Yildiray Cinar hate the planet Earth so much? Every time he draws Firestorm, he seems to be blasting or damaging the ground.  Does Yildiray have some sort of deep-seated hatred of his own home planet?   All kidding aside, this art is GORGEOUS!  Scroll back up and check out the poses on the […]

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