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Posts Tagged ‘Yildiray Cinar’

Fury of Firestorm #4 Teaser by Yildiray Cinar

Yildiray Cinar, Fury of Firestorm artist, posted a mysterious new teaser image promoting issue #4! The image shows a person bent over, but we’re left wondering if they are on fire, or perhaps they’re made of stone or ash? The curiosity is getting to me! Looking forward to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men […]

Van Sciver, Simone, and their Editor discuss FIRESTORM

Over the past couple weeks, Fury of Firestorm creators have been sharing lots of great behind-the-scenes info on the news series.  I gathered and highlighted below some of the information that pertains to the current Fury of Firestorm series. Gail Simone on Newsarama Fury of Firestorm co-plotter and scripter Gail Simone recently spoke with Newsarama […]

FURY OF FIRESTORM #3 Review & FIRE AND WATER Episode 8 Play in new window | DownloadThe eighth episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This time around we review THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #3 (by Ethan Van Sciver, […]

Yildiray Cinar Pencil & Ink Splash Page from FIRESTORM #3

Check out this gorgeous pencilled and inked splash page by Yildiray Cinar from The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3! Man, I LOVE Yildiray’s work in pencil, ink, and marker!  His art is so dynamic, clean, and painterly!  Ronnie looks fantastic!  Don’t get me wrong, I love Steve Buccellato’s coloring too.  I’m just taking […]


Quit goofing around on the internet.  Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3! Well… if you can’t get your hands on a copy at this exact minute, then spend some time checking out these links… Gail Simone talks with Vaneta Rogers at Newsarama about The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! DC […]

Another Yildiray Cinar Brightest Day Firestorm Sketch

Yildiray Cinar, current Fury of Firestorm artist, posted this sketch to Twitter back in October.  It’s a commission he did at the New York Comic-Con of the Brightest Day version of Firestorm.  It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?!?! We’ve now seen a few Brightest Day Firestorm sketches by Yildiray Cinar.  You can check out other Brightest Day […]

MORE NEWS: More Rumors About Gail Leaving & Firestorm #6 Solicit

Alright match-heads, I know just yesterday I reported that Gail Simone was staying on the Firestorm book.  Well… another rumor has popped up that Gail is leaving Firestorm.  According to Bleeding Cool, Gail Simone will be leaving The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men in March.  That translates to issue #7.  As we saw yesterday, […]

NEWS: Van Sciver, Simone, Cinar, Collections, and More!

Howdy Match-heads! It’s been a busy week for Firestorm news! Here is a quick recap of some Nuclear News… Yildiray Cinar, current Firestorm artist, posted a rockin’ new teaser image promoting issue #3! This image is similar to the teaser images released prior to issue #1 and #2. Could this be the new villain called […]

Yildiray Cinar Early Firestorm Try-out

Check out this gorgeous Brightest Day Firestorm artwork by current artist Yildiray Cinar!  A couple weeks ago Yildiray posted this piece to Twitter explaining it was a Firestorm try-out he did after getting the new series assignment. Man, I love the way Yildiray draws the Brightest Day Firestorm, Ronnie and Jason! You can check out […]

Firestorm and The Hero Initiative JLA Covers

The Hero Initiative, a charity dedicated to helping comic creators in medical or financial need, recently partnered with DC Comics on a new Justice League of America project. Dozens of artists were asked to create their own covers for Justice League of America #50 using 100 blank-covered cardstock copies of the book. Several Firestorm artists […]

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