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Posts Tagged ‘Who’s Who’

Rogue’s Gallery: Bug & Byte

Rogue’s Gallery Week continues with Bug & Byte from The Fury of Firestorm #23 & #24 (1984)!  Below you’ll find their entry from Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe drawn by Rafael Kayanan and Bob Smith!  Click the image to enlarge. Below you’ll find a page from The Fury of Firestorm #24 […]

Rogue’s Gallery: Brimstone

Rogue’s Gallery Week continues here at FIRESTORM FAN!  Today we’re looking at Firestorm’s reoccurring foe, Brimstone!  This engine of destruction was created by Darkseid and faced off against our favorite flame-brain a few times.  Their nearly-earth-shattering final battle took place on the surface of the Sun in Firestorm #100. Before we look at Firestorm #100, […]

Firestorm in DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide

A couple weeks ago we covered DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide from DK publishing.  At that time we knew Firestorm appeared in the book, but didn’t have any images of him.  Well, our good buddy Jon from the Fizzit blog has come through for us again!  Jon picked up a copy of the book […]

DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide

DK Publishing recently released DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide by Brandon T. Snider.  This 208 page book covers a variety of DC characters, including Firestorm and Killer Frost! Here is the description of the book from the publisher: From AQUAMAN to ZATANNA, DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide is you’re A-Z guide to your […]

Remember Captain X on Memorial Day

Captain X was a U.S. aviator during World War II.  He was originally attached to Britain’s Royal Air Force, but once the U.S. entered the war he was transferred to new duties behind enemy lines.  After WWII, he continued to operate during the Cold War.  Captain X’s secret identity was Richard “Buck” Dare, a reporter […]

Firestorm Patches

There is a segment of folks out there that love to collect patches.  Personally, whenever I think of patch collecting it reminds me of the late 1970s and denim jackets.  However, given that I live in a glass house built of Firestorm memorabilia, I’m not one to cast stones. Until a few weeks ago, I […]

Mayfairstivus Day 7 – The New Thinker and Brimstone

Welcome back for the seventh day of Mayfairstivus, the nine day celebration of Mayfair Games’ DC Heroes Role-Playing Game! Today we’ll be looking at the RPG statistics for a couple of Firestorm’s foes/antagonists: the new Thinker (a.k.a. Cliff Carmichael) and Brimstone. Below you’ll find the DC Comics Who’s Who entry from 1991 that includes Cliff […]

Firestorm in DC Comics Super Heroes and Villains Fandex

Our favorite match-head recently made an appearance in the DC Comics Super Heroes and Villains Fandex! If you like Who’s Who type products, then this is for you. So what’s a Fandex you ask?  A Fandex is actually called “Fandex Family Field Guide”. It is an approximately 10″ long stack of full-color, heavy stock, double-sided, […]

Rogues Gallery: Killer Frost part 1

Firestorm’s most well-known rogue is Killer Frost. As a foil for Firestorm, her basic concept is not that surprising — Firestorm is a guy that can generate heat, Killer Frost is a gal that can generate cold.  With that said, she has still proven to be an interesting and dangerous adversary for ole match-head. Today […]

Firehawk – Who’s Who and Mayfair RPG stats

Welcome to FIREHAWK WEEK!  This week we’ll be looking at different Firehawk-related items.  Today we’ll be focusing on Who’s Who and the DC Encyclopedia.  Wednesday we’ll be looking at other DC merchandise.  And come back Friday for the unveiling of a newly-commissioned Firehawk sketch done for the FIRESTORM FAN site! We start today with Who’s […]

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