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Posts Tagged ‘superheroes’

Firestorm on Brightest Day #2 Variant Cover

Looks like Firestorm and the Atom will be featured on the variant cover to Brightest Day #2 by Ivan Reis.  It’s a gorgeously painted cover with scrumptious coloring.  And I don’t use the word “scrumptious” lightly folks.  The image was posted in a DC Universe blog entry by Eddie Berganza, Brightest Day editor.   My thanks […]

The Firestorm Series That Almost Was, Including Never-Before Published Artwork – 2003

Firestorm volume III premiered in mid-2004 introducing Jason Rusch.  Many people don’t realize that Firestorm volume III was scheduled to premiere nearly a year earlier starring Ronnie Raymond (rather than Jason Rusch).  That’s right, before Jason Rusch was even a glimmer in Dan Jolley’s eye, there was a monthly Ronnie Raymond Firestorm series in the […]

Gerry Conway Interview on Comics and TV Career

I recently had another opportunity to interview Gerry Conway, co-creator of Firestorm and comics legend!  This time Michael Bailey (from the Views from the Longbox podcast) and I interviewed Gerry together.  Gerry was extraordinarily generous with his time sitting down with us for about two hours.  What a great guy!  Previously I interviewed Gerry specifically […]

Brightest Day #0 – Ronnie & Jason BFF

Brightest Day #0 came out yesterday and there were four pages of Firestorm story.  Those four pages are presented below.  I’m publishing these pages here as this is such an important point for our favorite Nuclear Man.  Going forward, I don’t believe I’ll be posting every Firestorm appearance page-by-page.  In addition to the burden of […]

Firestorm Batman: The Brave and the Bold Figure – 2009

Here is the Firestorm action figure that came out in late 2009 from the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line. The figure represents the Jason Rusch/Ronnie Raymond fusion from the Batman: The Brave and the Bold television series.  With the flaming hair, the figure is just over 5 inches tall.  He’s just a little […]

DC Comics Super Hero Collection #46 – Firestorm Lead Figure

Just this past week DC Comics Superhero Collection Figurine Magazine #46 featuring Firestorm shipped to comic shops across the United States.  It’s been out for a while in the UK, but Diamond Comics Distributors just got their copies out a few days ago.  This publication includes a figurine of the featured character cast in lead, […]

Elemental Firestorm Promotional Efforts – 1989

When introducing the “Elemental Firestorm” in 1989, DC Comics made special promotional efforts to get the word out about this dramatic change. The Elemental Firestorm was a fascinating character and a tremendous departure from what had come before.  Two years prior writer John Ostrander had changed Firestorm from the classic Ronnie Raymond/Professor Stein combination to […]

Firestorm DC Universe Infinite Heroes Action Figure – 2010

Here is the recently-released Firestorm action figure from the DC Universe Infinite Heroes line (#58 in the series).  This is the Ronnie Raymond/Professor Martin Stein Firestorm.   Like the other Infinite Heroes figures, Firestorm has been done in the 3-3/4″ scale, so he’s considerably smaller than his DC Direct and DC Universe Classics counterparts.  It’s […]

Al Milgrom Unpublished Artwork (1977/78) – Never Seen Before

Al Milgrom, co-creator of Firestorm the Nuclear Man, comes through again for FIRESTORM FAN!  Al has supplied us with some exclusive never-before-seen drawings from the early days of Firestorm. Including a couple pages from the unpublished Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol I #7.  Our sincerest thanks to Al! This first piece from 1977 consists of […]

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths post-game report

The Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths DVD came out last Tuesday and it’s phenomenal!  Great story and action!  I’ll be doing a full review over at ONCE UPON A GEEK sometime in the near future, so watch for that. As discussed here previously, Firestorm is used in a couple scenes of the film. He […]

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