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Posts Tagged ‘superheroes’

Firestorm Original Art Splash Pages

I stumbled across a couple gorgeous original-art splash-pages by Rafael Kayanan from Firestorm volume II.  The images were so awesome, I simply had to share!  They come from the Comic Art Fans page of R Shur gin. The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man Annual #2 (1984) . The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man […]

Geoff Johns on Firestorm in Brightest Day

Last week Geoff Johns gave a fantastic interview to IGN about Brightest Day. Click here to read the entire interview. I’ve posted below the Firestorm-related discussion points. It appears Scott Clark and Dave Beaty are the artists drawing the majority of the Firestorm scenes… IGN Comics: Can you talk a little about how the art […]

Firestorm in WB Consumer Products Promo

Somewhat surprisingly, Firestorm appears in a recent promotional image from Warner Bros. Consumer Products.  The image below comes from License! Global which is gearing up for their big licensing show in Las Vegas next week.  It was released along with some promo art for the upcoming Green Lantern film.  Visit for further information. I’m […]

Brightest Day, Odd Couple, Ed Benes sketch, Racism in comics, drink recipe, and more

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. A few weeks back I did a post on the 2003 Ronnie Raymond Firestorm series that almost was.  I’m over-the-moon happy to report that I received very nice notes about my post from both writer […]

Firestorm Tribute Video

If you’ve got 3 minutes and 38 seconds to spare, check out this Firestorm tribute video.   It’s a fun distraction. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Custom Statue

Check out this gorgeous Firestorm custom statue!  Simply breathtaking. This unbelievably cool custom statue was sculpted by jimM and painted by Jesse321 from Statue  You can find more information (and more pictures) on Statue Man, I wish DC would produce something like this. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firestorm… Tiny Titans-style

While Firestorm hasn’t appeared in the fantastic Tiny Titans comic book yet, here is what he might look like in that series. This painting was done by Art Baltazar, writer and artist on Tiny Titans.  This one-of-a-kind painting was given to Vince of the Project: Custom blog in exchange for a custom Super-Skrull action figure.  […]

Brightest Day #2 Six-Page Preview

As many of you know, Brightest Day #2 will arrive in your local comic book shop today.  However, if you just can’t wait that long, check out this six-page sneak peek of Brightest Day #2 over at Newsarama.  The focus of these six pages just happens to be Firestorm!  My thanks to FIRESTORM FAN reader […]

Firestorm in DC Comics Super Heroes and Villains Fandex

Our favorite match-head recently made an appearance in the DC Comics Super Heroes and Villains Fandex! If you like Who’s Who type products, then this is for you. So what’s a Fandex you ask?  A Fandex is actually called “Fandex Family Field Guide”. It is an approximately 10″ long stack of full-color, heavy stock, double-sided, […]

Firestorm on Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show

A little fun today for all you match-heads.  Here is Firestorm’s debut episode on Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show.  It’s broken into four parts.  Enjoy! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

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