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Posts Tagged ‘Sketch/Art’

Superhero Sillies that are Shaggtastic!

Given that this blog is about Firestorm, I rarely get to talk about something specific to me. Let’s face it, you’re here to read about our favorite hothead, not the random adventures of Shag. But today those worlds intersect thanks to the most dastardly creative man alive, Mr. Luke Daab! Luke has been creating a […]

Firestorm vs Despero by Joshua Flower

CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Today FIRESTORM FAN is teaming up with the blogs representing Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman! All through December over on THE IDOL-HEAD OF DIABOLU, our good buddy Frank has been running “The December of Despero!” That’s right, everyone’s favorite Martian Manhunter blog has turned the reigns over to one […]

Superman vs Firestorm

Superman versus Firestorm. This says it all. Two hits: Firestorm hitting Superman with his atomic restructuring blast transforming the Man of Steel’s costume to Kryptonite; Superman passing out and hitting the ground. Fight over. This fantastic art piece is by Christian Moore who goes by DejaRico on deviantART! Support Firestorm (and Christian Moore)! Fan the […]

Todd Nauck Firestorm Sketch 2012

I’ve said this before, but its worth repeating… I LOVE TODD NAUCK’S ARTWORK! Something about his superhero style really speaks to me. It’s light-hearted, dynamic, and just darn enjoyable to look at.  If you are unfamiliar with Todd Nauck, he’s well known for his artwork on titles such as: Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Guarding […]

Pat Broderick Revisits JLA vs Killer Frost and Firestorm

Folks, I gotta say I’m blown away by today’s entry! Below is a 2009 commission by Pat Broderick featuring an updated version of the classic cover to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #4! The Justice League of America versus Firestorm & Killer Frost! Such a gorgeous piece! Broderick still draws an amazing-looking Firestorm! […]

Deathstorm LEGO Doodle

Check out this super-fun Black Lantern Firestorm/Deathstorm LEGO drawing by Catanas! Notice the heart he’s holding is a LEGO piece! Sick, twisted, and adorable! Over at Eurobricks, a LEGO-related site, they are hosting “Superheroes Month!” A talented artist known as Catanas has submitted several cartoons of DC characters in LEGO Minifigure form. In regard to […]

Firestorm by Raul Alvarez

I’m crazy about this super-fun Firestorm artwork by Raul Alvarez! The enormous chest, conical headpiece, sharp colors! I love it! Be sure to check out Raul’s deviantART gallery for even more of his renditions of DC characters! Some of my favorites include: Samurai, Apache Chief, and Black Vulcan! Love those Super Friends! Support Firestorm (and […]

Fan The Flame: A Firestorm and Firehawk Love Story

Luke Daab, the most dastardly creative man alive, has done it again! This time he’s created a piece that expertly captures the on-again, off-again romance between Firestorm and Firehawk! And he used my favorite Firehawk costume too! I really enjoy Luke’s cartoonish style on this piece! It helps capture the fun of Firestorm! You can […]

Yildiray Cinar Firestorm Sketch from New York Comic Con

On Facebook, Yildiray Cinar posted this amazing Firestorm sketch from the recent New York Comic Con! I really dig Yildiray’s interpretation of the new Firestorm look! For you eagle-eyed Match-heads, notice anything familiar about the pose above? Below check out the iconic first shot of Ronnie as Firestorm from his New 52 debut! So cool, […]

Dan Jurgens Firestorm Sketch Card – Auction Tomorrow

Check out this cool sketch card by incoming Fury of Firestorm writer/artist Dan Jurgens! This card was posted to Comic Art Fans by the Midwest Comic Book Association (MCBA). If I’m interpreting their site correctly, this card will be up for auction at the MCBA FallCon tomorrow in Saint Paul, Minnesota! All proceeds will be […]

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