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Posts Tagged ‘Sketch/Art’

Jamal Igle Firestorm Sketch Colored by Brandon DP

Today we’re featuring a beautiful Firestorm sketch by Jamal Igle that was colored by Brandon DP (Bdog). Jamal Igle was the penciller on Firestorm vol III for 23 issues and has drawn the Jason Rusch Firestorm more than any other artist.  Jamal posted this awesome Ronnie Raymond Firestorm sketch on his DeviantArt page back in […]

Brightest Day #2 Ivan Reis Variant Cover Original Art

Our good friend Jon at the Fizzit blog has once again supplied us with scans of some gorgeous original Firestorm art!  Today we’ll be looking at the creation of the Brightest Day #2 variant cover by Ivan Reis and a cool Blackest Night page. Jon owns several original Firestorm pages and has been kind enough […]

Firestorm Pin-up – December 1983

Here is an outstanding pin-up from the Fury of  Firestorm Annual #1 (December 1983).  This gorgeous piece is by Rafael Kayanan and Rodin Rodriguez.  This pin-up provides a great tease of the events from the previous six months of Fury of Firestorm.  This storyline was especially important to the Firestorm mythos as it introduced Firehawk!  […]

Firestorm Art by Avery Barnes

Today we’re featuring three great Firestorm drawings by Avery Barnes.  I first found Avery’s artwork on Facebook, but you can see more on his deviantART page by clicking here. Below is a nice one of the “Blank Slate” and Elemental incarnations of Firestorm. Avery drew this next one on his iPhone using the Brushes application.  […]

Firestorm… Tiny Titans-style

While Firestorm hasn’t appeared in the fantastic Tiny Titans comic book yet, here is what he might look like in that series. This painting was done by Art Baltazar, writer and artist on Tiny Titans.  This one-of-a-kind painting was given to Vince of the Project: Custom blog in exchange for a custom Super-Skrull action figure.  […]

New Firestorm Drawing by Co-Creator Al Milgrom – 2010

Firestorm the Nuclear Man was created by two extraordinarily talented individuals, writer Gerry Conway and artist Al Milgrom.  We were fortunate enough last month to feature an exclusive interview with Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway.  Today I’m incredibly proud to present a brand-spanking-new Firestorm drawing by Al Milgrom, the other co-creator of Firestorm! I contacted Al […]

Firestorm Original Art Extravaganza

Happy New Year, Match-heads!  We’re gearing up for the one year anniversary of FIRESTORM FAN with an amazing interview featuring Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway!  Watch for that in the coming weeks. In the meantime, it’s time for more original Firestorm pages from our friend Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog.  He happens to own several […]

Firestorm Sketch by Ethan Van Sciver

Below is a recent sketch by Ethan Van Sciver of the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm.  This sketch comes to us courtesy of xanderharris on Twitter. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Superman vs Firestorm Pin-Up – May 1983

Here is a fantastic Pat Broderick pin-up that appeared in The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #12 (cover dated May 1983).  The drawing reenacts a scene from DC Comics Presents #17 in which Superman (under Killer Frost’s control) attacks Firestorm.  Pat Broderick is such a great artist and did amazing things while on the […]

Nuclear News – 2009-11-09 – Brave & the Bold, Action Figure Magazine, Sketches, and more

Here are some Firestorm news items and findings from around the interwebs: Blackest Night #4 came out back on October 28.  If you haven’t picked it up yet, be sure to get a copy.  It’s a good issue and has one really good Firestorm moment. Still no word on an air date for the Batman: […]

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