Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5! This issue is written by Gail Simone & Ethan Van Sciver, with art by Yildiray Cinar & Norm Rapmund, and a cover by Ethan Van Sciver! Well… if you can’t get your hands on a copy at this exact […]
Posts Tagged ‘Rachel Gluckstern’
Van Sciver, Simone, and their Editor discuss FIRESTORM
Over the past couple weeks, Fury of Firestorm creators have been sharing lots of great behind-the-scenes info on the news series. I gathered and highlighted below some of the information that pertains to the current Fury of Firestorm series. Gail Simone on Newsarama Fury of Firestorm co-plotter and scripter Gail Simone recently spoke with Newsarama […]