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Posts Tagged ‘Jason Rusch’

Ethan Van Sciver’s Russian Clues Translated

Remember the Ethan Van Sciver drawing with the Russian characters we posted last week?  Well, I had a few minutes this past weekend to play Internet Translator Detective.  I’ve managed to translate the Russian clues… In the artwork we see both Jason and Ronnie as their respective Firestorms.  Around each of them are the following […]

Gail Simone Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an interview with co-plotter/script writer of the upcoming FIRESTORM series, Gail Simone! That’s right!  Gail Simone took time out of her very busy schedule for a brief chat with FIRESTORM FAN!  In addition to her work on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN, […]

Brian Clevinger’s Firestorm

Brian Clevinger recently revealed his six-issue plan for the post-BRIGHTEST DAY Firestorm series that almost was.  As you may recall from our interview with Brian a couple months back, he was asked by editors at DC Comics to write the new FIRESTORM series.  By the time he’d scripted the first issue and outlined the second, […]

Stuart Moore: Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – a fantastic interview with Firestorm writer, Stuart Moore! Stuart Moore wrote FIRESTORM vol III for 19 issues from 2005 through 2007.  Thanks to the length of his run, Stuart has written Jason Rusch more than any other writer.  Stuart’s run brought dramatic changes for […]

Firestorm in DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide

A couple weeks ago we covered DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide from DK publishing.  At that time we knew Firestorm appeared in the book, but didn’t have any images of him.  Well, our good buddy Jon from the Fizzit blog has come through for us again!  Jon picked up a copy of the book […]

Firestorm at Comic-Con 2011

Our favorite Nuclear Man was discussed at the San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend! During the DC Comics: Designing the New 52 panel on Sunday, two concept pages by Ethan Van Sciver were shown (see below).  Jim Lee said that Fury of Firestorm co-writer Ethan Van Sciver, an artist himself, had an idea in mind […]

Breaking News: Details on New Fury of Firestorm

Ethan Van Sciver was interviewed by the guys over at  During the interview Van Sciver spilled some major plot details about the upcoming Fury of Firestorm series.  Here is a quote from the interview: JP- While I know DC is keeping generally tight lipped on a lot of the relaunch series, what can you […]

Firestorm in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom

Firestorm recently appeared in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #1.  Flashpoint is an alternate reality tale, but it does appear they used the post-Brightest Day incarnation of Firestorm.  Check out his appearance below… Click the image below to enlarge. Then later in the comic… Ouch! Poor Jason!  For the rest of the story, be sure to […]

Nuclear News: 2011-06-20 Twitter Weekend Round-up

Lots of Firestorm-related items this past weekend buzzing around Twitter!  If you’re on Twitter, be sure you’re following @firestormfan!  Lots of things appearing there that might not merit a full post here. COMIC APPEARANCES Chris Rohling (@CMRohling) discussed Firestorm’s appearance in Flashpoint: Legion of Doom (I also received a nice e-mail from Michael A. Burstein […]

Happy Father’s Day to Jason’s Dad!

Happy Father’s Day to Jason Rusch’s dad, Alvin Rusch!  … oh, wait… on second thought, maybe not… From Firestorm vol 3 #1 ~ written by Dan Jolley, pencils by ChrisCross, and inks by John Dell Notice Jason’s black eye? Guess who gave that to him… From Firestorm vol 3 #3 ~ written by Dan Jolley, […]

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