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Posts Tagged ‘Ivan Reis’

FURY OF FIRESTORM #4 Review & FIRE AND WATER Episode 10 Play in new window | Download The tenth episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. Happy New Year! Rob and Shag start the show discussing some of Firestorm and Aquaman highlights […]

Brightest Day #22 Variant Cover by Ivan Reis

DC Comics has released the variant cover by Ivan Reis for Brightest Day #22.  Check out this gorgeous Deathstorm cover!  Great job by Ivan! Brightest Day #22 ships on March 16.  Based upon the cover, this could be the big fight between Firestorm and Deathstorm we’ve all been waiting for! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Wallpaper featuring art by Ivan Reis

I came across this cool Firestorm wallpaper on Sensor Sweep! It’s based upon the Brightest Day #10 variant cover by Ivan Reis.  Click here to be taken to Sensor Sweep where you can get a 1600×1200 resolution version of this wallpaper.  I love the classic “Fury of” logo!  Sweet! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Brightest Day #2 Ivan Reis Variant Cover Original Art

Our good friend Jon at the Fizzit blog has once again supplied us with scans of some gorgeous original Firestorm art!  Today we’ll be looking at the creation of the Brightest Day #2 variant cover by Ivan Reis and a cool Blackest Night page. Jon owns several original Firestorm pages and has been kind enough […]

Brightest Day Teaser and Solicitations

DC Comics released a Brightest Day teaser image on their blog yesterday.   Below you’ll find the Brightest Day teaser image, click to enlarge. Such a cool shot, and so full of clues!  Below I’ve zoomed in on Ronnie and Jason so you can get a better look at what they’re doing. JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM: […]

Firestorm on Brightest Day #2 Variant Cover

Looks like Firestorm and the Atom will be featured on the variant cover to Brightest Day #2 by Ivan Reis.  It’s a gorgeously painted cover with scrumptious coloring.  And I don’t use the word “scrumptious” lightly folks.  The image was posted in a DC Universe blog entry by Eddie Berganza, Brightest Day editor.   My thanks […]

Blackest Night #8 – Finally!!!

Okay folks, Blackest Night #8 shipped yesterday and we’re going to talk about the ramifications for Firestorm.  If you haven’t read it, come back once you’re done.  You’ve been warned, there be SPOILERS ahead. … SPOILER space … … SPOILER space … … SPOILER space … … SPOILER space … … SPOILER space … … […]

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