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Posts Tagged ‘George Perez’

Don’t forget, pre-order your FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN TPB

Be sure to pre-order your copy of the FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN trade paperback ASAP!  Most local comic book shops will be placing their orders for this collection with their distributors within the next few days.  Don’t miss the chance to pre-order this trade paperback! Even if you already have the issues, order a copy […]

Firestorm sketch by George Perez from MegaCon

Back in March, our buddy FirestormFan89 attended MegaCon in Orlando.  While there he managed to get this beautiful Firestorm sketch by the legendary George Perez!  Some of you may not be aware that Firestorm and George go way back.  Firestorm was the first character he worked on when he came to DC Comics — the […]

Back to School with Firestorm and the JLA

Wal-Mart is currently carrying a variety of superhero related back-to-school gear.  One particular item of interest to Firestorm fans is the folder and spiral notebook below! Both feature a reproduction of the cover to Justice League of America #217 as drawn by the amazing George Perez.  Here is a better shot of the spiral notebook. […]

Power Girl and Firestorm Sitting in a Tree…

Believe it or not, Firestorm and Power Girl once had a romantic thing for each other!  Our favorite Nuclear Man and one of the universally-accepted hotties of the DC Universe — good on Firestorm!  Their flirtations continued from 1980 through 1983.  Whenever the JLA (from Earth-1) and the JSA (from Earth-2) got together for their […]

George Perez Firestorm Postcard (1984)

Back in 1984, George Perez drew a fantastic set of Justice League of America postcards.  There were 15 postcards in the set, with one more added later of Batman.  Below is a scan of the gorgeous Firestorm postcard!  This was sent to me by our good friend Doug Zawisza of the Doom Patrol blog and […]

Rogues Gallery: Killer Frost part 2

Back in August I posted the first “Rogues Gallery” entry on Killer Frost, promising the same week would also feature further images of her.  That will teach me not to make promises.  Today we’ll be presenting several Killer Frost images.  Most of these were taken from lazy afternoon web surfing, so I’m unable to identify […]

Crisis On Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge… Wrong Answer!

Wrong answer, Ronnie.  You hothead!  You should have listened to Professor Stein’s advice.  How about you check out some of the other blogs participating in this crossover instead. You’ll have to work your way through a few of these challenges if you want to reach the goal-page featuring a lush scan from an obscure George […]

George Perez Sketch and Green Arrow Crossover

GEORGE PEREZ AT DRAGONCON While at DragonCon over Labor Day weekend, I was fortunate enough to meet famed comic artist George Perez! He’s super nice and really seems to enjoy meeting fans.  First I saw him on the Avengers Assembled panel, then later that afternoon he was at his table in Artist Alley.  I went […]

Nuclear News – Blackest Night Falls

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Blackest Night #3 is heading our way soon, but not much upcoming Firestorm news beyond that.  They want to leave us in suspense.  So here is what I’ve cobbled together for you about our favorite Nuclear Man… Black Lantern Firestorm made his first appearance in Blackest […]

Crisis on Earth-Blog – George Perez/Alex Ross paint Firestorm

We’ve got a very special treat for you!  Eleven different superhero blogs have combined forces today to each cover the same topic!  All of them will focus on the George Perez/Alex Ross painting from the Crisis on Infinite Earths 1998 hardcover.  Each blogger is writing their own entry, highlighting the character their site is dedicated […]

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