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Posts Tagged ‘DC Comics’

Firestorm & Killer Frost in Crisis on Infinite Earths by Nekemeko

Love this adorable art by Nekemeko of our favorite Nuclear Man up against Killer Frost! This image is an homage to their confrontation in Crisis on Infinite Earths #1. I don’t have a scan of the issue handy, so you’ll either have to trust me or look it up yourself. Click the image below to […]

Dan Jurgens returns to the FIRE & WATER PODCAST – Episode 85 Play in new window | DownloadWe’ve got another fantastic interview with comics legend Dan Jurgens on the latest episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST! Dan is currently writing the ongoing series Aquaman & The Others, and is a contributing writer to the year-long weekly series The New 52 – Futures End featuring Firestorm! We discuss […]

Go read JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000 #5 featuring Firestorm 3000

Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Justice League 3000 #5 in stores today! This is Firestorm’s big debut in the 31st century! Or as I’m calling him, Firestorm 3000! If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to IGN to check out the five page preview! This […]

Masters of the Universe vs DC Universe with Firestorm!

What do He-Man and Firestorm have in common, besides both being 1980s cartoon idols? Well, they both recently appeared in DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe #6! In this issue, our favorite Nuclear Man is under the spell of … wait for it … Dark Orko! Firestorm is out for Skeletor’s blood! Or whatever […]

April Fool’s Day Hijinks from Count Drunkula & Anj!

Our friend Count Drunkula over at Flowers & Fishnets: A Black Canary blog had some fun at my expense on April Fool’s Day. He re-dressed his blog as … wait for it … FIRESTORM FAN! What?!?! Drunkula has a unique, and quite possibly psychotic, sense of humor. To completely mess with his reader’s minds, and […]

Super Muppets

After seeing Muppets Most Wanted last weekend with my daughter, and then this fantastic “Super Puppets” artwork by Gregg Schigiel… I want a JLA Muppets movie right now!!! Love this so much! Firestorm looks like such a happy puppet!! Click the image to visit Gregg’s site. Support Firestorm (and Gregg Schigiel)! Fan the flame!

Guess What Came Out Yesterday?!?!

The Eaglemoss Firestorm chess piece shipped to U.S. comic shops yesterday! This is part of the DC Superhero Chess Figure Collector Magazine, specifically issue #53 Firestorm White Pawn. Below is an image of the chess piece from the Eaglemoss website (click the image to enlarge). This is the first figure/toy/merchandise/whatever to feature Firestorm’s current costume! We’re talking about the […]

Go read FOREVER EVIL: A.R.G.U.S. #6

Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #6 in stores today! While Forever Evil isn’t over just yet, this mini-series wraps up today! Previous issues featured Killer Frost, Professor Martin Stein, and the hunt for Firestorm, so fingers crossed for some Nuclear Goodness! If you can’t get to the comic shop right now […]

DC Digests – FIRE & WATER #82 Play in new window | Download The 82nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. Let’s get small! This week, Rob and guest co-host Michael Bailey talk about one of their favorite comic book […]

WHO’S WHO: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe, Volume XVIII Play in new window | DownloadThe Fire and Water Podcast Presents… WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE, Volume XVIII! The eighteenth episode of our WHO’S WHO podcast is now available — the show that dares to tackle one of DC Comics’ greatest publications! Each episode Rob and I cover a single issue […]

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