Super-Team Family proudly presents the Amazing Spider-Man and Firestorm the Nuclear Man in, “My Lab Partner… My Enemy!” No, you didn’t miss an actual inter-company crossover starring our favorite match-head and the world famous wall-crawler. This fictitious meeting is the work of a gentleman named Ross who runs Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! That site […]
Posts Tagged ‘Comic books’
Ethan Van Sciver art from upcoming Firestorm
As reported a while back, Ethan Van Sciver will be drawing the interiors for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7 & #8. Ethan has been kind enough to post some teasers on his Facebook page. Along with these images, Ethan commented that he thought Firestorm #7 might be his best work to date. […]
Happy Birthday Firestorm Fan Blog!
Today marks the third birthday of the FIRESTORM FAN blog! Hard to believe it’s been three years already! More than 400 posts, over 1,500 comments, and nearly 250,000 page views! It all began with a post entitled, “Why a Firestorm blog?” When I started this site, Ronnie Raymond was dead and Firestorm was composed of […]
Firestorm in Captain Atom #2 (April 1987)
Our good buddy Frank from the Power of the Atom blog was kind enough to send us today’s scans! These come from Captain Atom #2 (April 1987) and were penciled by legendary Firestorm artist Pat Broderick! Story by Cary Bates and inks by Bob Smith. The two pages below served as bookends for the main […]
November Comic Sales Figures
DC Comics The New 52 continued to dominate the comic sales charts in November 2011! For sales through Diamond Comic Distributors, DC Comics held the top four sales spots, and 13 of the top 20 spots. Admittedly, the comics market is beginning to stabilize after the previous two white-hot months with DC Comics far in […]
October Comic Sales Figures
DC Comics The New 52 once again ruled the comic sales charts in October 2011! For sales through Diamond Comic Distributors, DC Comics held the top six sales spots, and 17 of the top 20 spots. Way to go DC Comics! Since this is a Firestorm blog, we should probably talk about The Fury of […]
Printing Problems with FURY OF FIRESTORM #2
First, if you haven’t picked up The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2, then drop what you are doing and head to your local comic shop! Buy it now! It’s a great read! Watch for my full review in a few days. Second, as we mentioned a couple days ago, there was an unfortunate […]
Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 Cover and Solicitation
DC has published the cover and solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5, due in comic shops on January 25, 2012! Click the cover below to enlarge. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 Written by Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciver Art by Yildiray Cinar and Norm Rapmund Cover by […]
Gail Simone Quits Firestorm? Also, Professor Stein Still Alive?
There is a rumor going around that Gail Simone has left The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men. I certainly hope this isn’t true. The first issue got off to a great start and I’d hate to see this creative team broken up. If the rumor of Gail’s departure is true, I’m sad to see […]
September Comic Sales Figures – DC on Top!
DC Comics’ The New 52 titles ruled September! Newsarama has published the Diamond Comic Distributors sales data for September 2011 and DC Comics was clearly the top performing company! You can see the original data over on The Comic Chronicles by clicking here, or read Newsarama’s analysis by clicking here. Suffice to say 17 of […]