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Back to the Futures End CONCLUSION – Issues #44-48

THE CONCLUSION to this year-long event! Today our good friend Tim Wallace concludes his coverage of DC’s weekly event, The New 52: Futures End! If you missed the previous installments, click hereWarning, Tim’s entries contain SPOILERS for the related issues of The New 52: Futures End. Consider yourself warned!  

Be sure to follow Tim’s regular work over on his exceptional site, Kord Industries: A Blue Beetle Blog! Get all your Ted Kord, Jaime Reyes, and Dan Garrett goodness there! Get even more Tim-time over at the Legion of Super-Bloggers! You can also stalk Tim on TwitterFacebook, and Google Plus. And now, let’s turn it over to Tim…

This is it, Match-Heads! The final “Futures End” post. I really want to apologize it’s taken me this long to finish. To be honest it was a combination of things, but that doesn’t matter right now. The important thing is answering some questions. Will Batman and Mr. Terrific put aside their differences and raise their child, Brother Eye, together? Will Jason and Madison ever learn to separate, or will they be Firestorm forever? How will Superman shave that silly beard? Will all of this blend right into the already finished “Convergence” and not really matter? Find out all this and more, on the finale of “As the Daily Planet Turns”!

The New 52: Futures End #44

Five years from now in New York, all hell is breaking loose. Brainiac has captured the city under one of his domes and is in the process of airlifting it off the planet! Firestorm and the Justice League are doing their best to prevent casualties.

New 52 Futures End #44

Superman tries taking on Brainiac with brawn, and manages to throw a punch that momentarily splits Brainiac into his multiversal components.

New 52 Futures End #44

While the villain tries to restore his systems, Batman, Mr. Terrific and the Atom put their heads together and come up with another plan. Covering Brainiac in Terrific’s uSpheres, the Atom manages to shrink both the spheres and the big baddie!

New 52 Futures End #44

The only downside? Without Brainiac in control, New York is falling! Luckily Superman is there to save the day!

The New 52: Futures End #45

At Castle Frankenstein, Frank is on his deathbed, literally. As he lays, he speaks of all he’s experienced, and Amethyst writes down his life story…before he passes away. Before he goes, he inspires her to return to Gemworld as its princess.

New 52 Futures End #45

Back in New York, Polaris, Firestorm and Shazam continue search and rescue efforts while Superman takes Brainiac’s machines and throws them into the sun.

New 52 Futures End #45

Upstate, Faraday takes Boyer to a safe house…and promptly tasers him. Then, with Voodoo’s help, drags him to an underground bunker, Command D. Faraday sends Voodoo back upstairs, where she gets gassed by Rock and company. At Terrifitech, there seems to be a glitch. Batman, Terrific and the Atom try to get Brother Eye to disengage, but the computer refuses…it’s rewritten it’s protocols. It begins shutting down systems in the tower, and as Batman Beyond and company make their way through the building, begins resurrecting the dead security teams as sort of proto-robo-bugs!

New 52 Futures End #45

The New 52: Futures End #46

Batman suggests cutting power, but Terrific already tried. Batman suggests the failsafe, but Brother Eye tells them it has disabled the self destruct. As Atom questions the A.I.’s motives, Batman Beyond appears to fill in what he knows. Back in Faraday’s safe house, Rock has made himself at home. He’s nestled all snug in his bed when he’s woken by E2 Lana. She’s paralyzed him. She doesn’t want to kill him…just give him a message. “Leave us alone.” She also reveals a secret…when she came from Earth 2, Cadmus labeled her normal, but she’s not. She can bond with insects and take on their traits…E2 Lana is the Insect Queen! They also warn that if he does mess with them, he’s dealing with Fifty Sue next time!

New 52 Futures End #46

Firestorm has fully embraced the hero biz, reuniting a mother and child by way of a flying elephant!

New 52 Futures End #46

Madison and Jason are having a moment, discussing their inability to separate when their Justice League beeper goes off…they’re needed at Terrifitech! Brother Eye has the upperhand! It’s army of Cybermen have the heroes pinned down…and then “The Thing with Two Heads” shows up! Terry McGinnis manages to take it out, but is mortally wounded in the process. He passes the mantle of Batman Beyond to Tim Drake, and looks into the eyes of Plastique, “Please…be the last thing I see.” before he dies.

New 52 Futures End #46

The New 52: Futures End #47

Five years from now, Brother Eye appears on every TV, monitor, control panel…every device in the world to announce it is taking control. Batman and company haven’t quite given up yet. Though the odds are against them, and hordes of Brother Eye’s Borg army are closing in…one man is there to help…Batman Beyond!

New 52 Futures End #47

Batman recognizes Tim right away, Plastique is offended, and Madison/Firestorm on realizes who he is when they kiss.

New 52 Futures End #47

But the most important part is, he needs to time jump! Batman insists he’ll go until A.L.F.R.E.D. reminds them that the time band is calibrated to Terry’s weight…and Tim is a closer match than Bruce. Terrific attaches jumper cables to Firestorm, yeah…jumper cables, so she can power the time band and in a blink Tim finds himself on the Brother Eye satellite. Then things get weird! He’s arrived “now”, or five years prior to the events of the other 46 issues in this series. The Earth 2 refugees, including Mr. Terrific, are on their way. Tim tries to plant explosives, Brother Eye tries to stop him. Tim explains what will happen, based on his future, if events are not changed. Darkseid’s parademons will follow the Earth 2 refugees and millions will die. Brother Eye accepts this to be true and offers to self destruct in order to save millions of lives. Before he does, he’ll even transport Tim back to Madison. Then Tim finds himself falling from the sky, landing in a forest…and he can’t believe what he sees!

New 52 Futures End #47

The New 52: Futures End #48

Tim has found himself standing in some sort of memorial park, surrounded by statues of heroes. He wanders looking at the heroes represented, and stops in front of Batman Beyond. And that’s when he sees Madison! “You came!” she exclaims as they embrace…then her eyes are replaced with Brother Eye’s symbol.

New 52 Futures End #48

She fades away. Everything fades away, leaving Tim in a room overlooking a devastated city with Mr. Terrific. They’re not in the past, or the present…but back to the future! Terrific has lost his marbles, and only appears to be alive and not assimilated because Brother Eye likes to keep “Father” around. Tim is not so lucky, he’s been flagged for cyber conversion and robo-Flash and robo-Captain Cold arrive to do the job. Until a mysterious figure blasts his way in! He’s soon followed by a small gun toting mob. He’s the Atom. They make their escape, Terrific in tow, and regroup at their base.

New 52 Futures End #48

This future isn’t all bad though, as Tim is reunited with a slightly older Madison, another member of the resistance. Tim’s ready to give all of this another chance…Madison, the hero biz, taking down Brother Eye…but the others aren’t so sure about that last one. As they look up to the moon, scarred with Brother Eye’s symbol, they think the battle’s lost…but Tim Drake isn’t convinced.

New 52 Futures End #48

The End.

And there you have it… DC’s “Futures End”. I don’t know about you, but I was a bit underwhelmed by that ending. As of this ending, there is no more Firestorm. Ronnie’s dead, Jason is MIA… I can’t even remember if we ever saw Dr. Stein? I guess the newest Firestorm, Madison Payne, got a happy ending at least… sort of. But, did any of it matter? Will it even get referenced in the new Firestorm mini coming in 2016? My guess is no, but we’ll have to wait and see. What happened to Fifty Sue? At the start of the series, she was annoying but I won’t lie, by the end she was one of my favorites! Is there any way to stop/prevent Brother Eye? Or have Batman and Mr. Terrific ruined the future of the DCU? Sure several of the storylines were tied up. Sure it sort of led into “Convergence”. Sure it sets up the new “Batman Beyond” series… but a year’s, well almost a year’s, worth of reading and recapping and there’s just as much undone and/or unresolved. I guess we’ll never know. Or at least, Eye guess, we’ll have to wait and see. Eye hope you enjoyed my recaps, and thanks to Shag for asking if Eye would be interested, and subsequently allowing me to infiltrate, Eye mean, contribute here at Firestorm Fan! Eye…Eye…Eye…

Shag here again! What a long, strange trip it’s been! Let us know what you thought of FUTURES END in the comments.

A very special thanks to Tim for this fantastic year-long coverage! Tim was the first “correspondent” ever featured here at FIRESTORM FAN and he did an exceptional job! A real shame he got converted by Brother Eye at the end. THANKS, Robot Tim!

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Firestorm Fuse Beads

My daughter has taken an interest in fuse beads (call them perler beads, melty beads, whatever). If you are unfamiliar with them, they are little round circles you place on peg boards, and then melt together using an iron.  You can create some really cute crafts using these materials.

So when my daughter asked me to create some fuse bead artwork with her, this is what I made…

Firestorm fuse beads melty beads perler beads

I know, you are shocked I went for Firestorm. I’m no expert, and definitely need practice with the ironing and melting, but I had a blast! If you squint, Firestorm looks very 8-bit. I found this Firestorm fuse bead pattern on Etsy via Beads of Rohan.

The next night she wanted me to build some more. Take a wild guess which superhero I did next…

Aquaman fuse beads melty beads perler beads

Again, squint and the image becomes very clear. We were running out of black beads, so I had to get creative and build this one without the color black. I found this Aquaman fuse bead pattern on deviantART via Elis Bead Sprites.

Have you built any superhero crafts with your children? If so, let us know in the comments!

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Fury of Firestorm (Classic) #22/Aquaman #42 – FIRE & WATER #134

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 134th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This week Shag and Rob take a look at Aquaman #42, the second issue by Cullen Bunn, Trevor McCarthy, and Guy Major, followed by “The Secret Origin of Firestorm” from The Fury of Firestorm #22 (April 1984) by Gerry and Carla Conway, Pat Broderick, Sal Trapani, Carl Gafford, and John Costanza. Plus YOUR Listener Feedback!

You can find the 134th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may play the podcast using the player below or by right-clicking “download”, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (67 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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Fury of Firestorm #22 cover by Rafael Kayanan and Dick Giordano

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DC Comics Presents Show Tackles Firestorm

If you love the old DC Comics Presents series (you know you do), then be sure to check out the latest episode of, The DC Comics Presents Show!

DC Comics Presents #17 by Gerry Conway and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Praise Be His Name

This podcast hosted by Russell Bragg covers every issue of DC Comics Presents in order. In episode #17 of the podcast, he’s covering the triumphant return of Firestorm the Nuclear Man! This was Firestorm’s first appearance in over a year after his original ongoing series was cancelled in the “DC Implosion”.

This issue was written by Gerry Conway with art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Praise Be His Name)! Superman! Firestorm! Killer Frost! Such a fantastic combination and a spectacular issue! Check out this podcast coverage today!

The DC Comics Presents Show

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John Ostrander & Tom Mandrake Need Your Help!

John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake, the creative forces behind Firestorm’s Elemental era, need your help! And time is running out!

Firestorm #87 by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake

Ostrander & Mandrake are running a Kickstarter campaign for their new graphic novel, Kros: Hallowed Ground. It’s a passion project they’ve wanted to publish for a long time. As of this posting, there are only 7 days left in the Kickstarter campaign. Please support these Firestorm creators! I did!

Here is the description of the graphic novel from John Ostrander & Tom Mandrake’s Kickstarter:

Kros: Hallowed Ground began over 10 years ago as a tale of horror set during the Battle of Gettysburg. A dream project for us both, it waited silently, like a vampire in the shadows… The story was written, some pages were drawn–atmospheric, dark murky landscapes, the dimly lit surgeon’s tent, a figure swirling from the smoke of battle…

It’s time to hear the wolf’s howl; to watch the undead descend like buzzards to the feast.  It’s time to unleash the vampires…

All wars are horror stories.

Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. The blood soaked battlefields of the Civil War draw Vampires who descend to feed on the wounded and dying as Blood calls to Blood. One man, a Vampire Hunter named Kros, stands against them, waging a battle at night as fearful and horrific as the battles fought during the day.

KROS: HALLOWED GROUND is a 128 page horror graphic novel by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake. Kros is a dream project and Kros’ story is one we have been wanting to tell for a long time.

Below you’ll find a sample page from this gorgeous-looking graphic novel! Can’t wait to read it!

Kros: Hallowed Ground by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake

If you can’t give financially, please help spread the word through social media. Every little bit helps!

Support Firestorm (and Ostrander & Mandrake on Kickstarter)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm on The Flash & Legends of Tomorrow

There was some news about Firestorm released at the recent San Diego Comic-Con. Looks like Match-heads will be saying goodbye to Robbie Amell and hello to Franz Drameh!

Franz Drameh as Jay Jackson - Part of Firestorm with Victor Garber

Why No Robbie Amell on Legends of Tomorrow?

According to Victor Garber, who plays Martin Stein (and one half of Firestorm) for The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, you’ll find out what’s going on with Ronnie Raymond in the season premiere of The Flash on October 6.  [Entertainment Weekly online]

Will Jay Jackson join Professor Stein to become Firestorm?

At San Diego Comic-Con, Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer seemingly confirmed Jay Jackson’s part in Firestorm by saying Jackson is “probably the last person Professor Stein (Victor Garber) wants to share Firestorm with.”  []

What we do know is Franz Drameh is playing Jay Jackson, a former high school athlete, whose pro-career was derailed by injury. Now making ends meets as an auto mechanic, Jay will come to have a surprising affiliation to the S.T.A.R. Labs crew.

Speculation is that Jay Jackson is a stand-in for the comic character Jason Rusch. Legends of Tomorrow writers may be avoiding the name “Jason Rusch” since a character named that was introduced in the previous season of The Flash. Folks are also speculating that Ronnie Raymond will die in The Flash season premiere, causing Caitlin Snow emotional turmoil resulting in her becoming Killer Frost.

Sorry for the delay in getting this news to you folks. I was on the road for a week (hence the lack of posts here). My thanks to the numerous folks who shared these news stories with me. Y’all are the best!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Batman v Superman Trailer – FIRE & WATER #133

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 133rd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

Shag is off this week, so Rob and returning guest star Michael Bailey (VIEWS FROM THE LONGBOX) share their thoughts on the new BATMAN V SUPERMAN trailer, which debuted at the 2015 San Diego Comic Con! Feel the rage!

You can find the 133rd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may play the podcast using the player below or by right-clicking “download”, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (49 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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Batman V Superman 2015 Comic-Con trailer

Thanks for listening! Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Geek Talk – FIRE & WATER #132

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 132nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This week Shag and Rob discuss a whole bunch of exciting topics, like Gerry Conway’s return to Firestorm, Jeff Parker’s debut on JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED, the CW’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, and more!

You can find the 132nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may play the podcast using the player below or by right-clicking “download”, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (40 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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Gerry  Conway returns to Firestorm in 2016

Thanks for listening! Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Legends of Tomorrow Art Swiped from Fantastic Four

Remember that amazing concept art for The CW’s Legends of Tomorrow? Firestorm looked fantastic, didn’t he?!?! Well, he really did look FANTASTIC. In fact, the artwork for Firestorm’s face was swiped from the Human Torch on the cover of Fantastic Four #542 by Adi Granov. Take a look a this side-by-side comparison I put together:

Legends of Tomorrow concept art and Fantastic Four #542

There is a long history of artists using pre-existing artwork for reference. “Swiping” is a comics term that refers to the intentional copying of a cover, panel, or page from an earlier comic book or graphic novel without crediting the original artist. In this case it appears to be a direct copy with some re-coloring. I’m not a copyright lawyer or an artist, so I can’t speak to the legal or ethical implications of this. I’m just a humble fan of Firestorm fan (well, not all that humble) and wanted to bring this to the attention of my fellow fans.

For reference, here is the cover to Fantastic Four #542 by Adi Granov:

Fantastic Four #542 cover by Adi Granov

And here again is the Legends of Tomorrow concept art:

CW Legends of Tomorrow concept art

Huge props to eagle-eyed Ross Pearsall for noticing this swipe! Ross runs a fantastic site, Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues. The tagline for the site is, “The Greatest Team-Ups that Never Happened… But Should Have!” Be sure to check out his site each day! It will quickly become one of your favorites!

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New Firestorm Action Figure from SDCC

What a week for Firestorm!! Revealed just hours in advance of the San Diego Comic-Con, DC Collectibles announced a new Firestorm action figure from the DC Icons line coming in 2016!

DC Icons Firestorm action figure from 2015 SDCC

According to MTV News, the figure will stand six inches tall, and come with multiple points of articulation and accessories. The figure was designed by Ivan Reis and sculpted by Paul Harding. It’s scheduled to be in stores May 2016, with a suggested price of $25. Can’t wait for this new figure!

My thanks to Roman Ontiveros for the heads-up!

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