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Pozhar Week: The New 52

We’re concluding our Pozhar Week coverage! So far we’ve been looking at Pozhar’s pre-New 52 continuity. Today we’re examining what we know of Pozhar’s upcoming appearances in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men!  We don’t have a lot to go on yet, just two drawings and two solicitations.

Below is a drawing Firestorm co-plotter and cover artist Ethan Van Sciver posted to his Facebook over the weekend labeled simply as “Mikhail”.  When asked by one commenter if this was supposed to be Star Wars’ Dengar, Ethan expounded by saying, “Russia’s Firestorm, Pozhar.”  So that confirms that the new Pozhar will be Mikhail Arkadin.  We’ll have to wait and see if the character resembles the pre-New 52 Mikhail in any way.

Mikhail Arkadin aka Pozhar from Firestorm by Ethan Van Sciver

Below is the cover art to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4 due December 28.  Based upon the Russian language characters on the cover, most people suspect this is Pozhar.  Time will tell!

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar on the cover of Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4 by Ethan Van Sciver

Finally, we’ve got solicitations for upcoming issues that specifically name Pozhar.  Check them out below:

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #6

In the blink of an eye, Ronnie and Jason witness a horror so gruesome, the two young Firestorms will question their entire futures as Super Heroes. As if that wasn’t enough, Pozhar, the Russian Firestorm, shows the two boys exactly how dangerous their world has become.

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7

New co-writer Joe Harris (Ghost Projekt) joins Ethan Van Sciver in this white-hot jumping-on issue! Plus: Van Sciver provides interior art for what’s sure to be one of the most talked-about comics of the year! As the fallout from the recent rogue Firestorm attack spreads and threatens to bring down Zither-Tech and the Firestorm Protocols, Ronnie Raymond pursues the Russian Nuclear Man Pozhar on what may well turn out to be a suicide mission. Meanwhile, Jason Rusch is made an offer he can’t refuse. Separated in an evolving game of international atomic brinkmanship, each Firestorm faces a world more dangerous than he ever imagined… while one gets a life-altering shock you’ll never forget!

It’s been fun looking back at Mikhail’s adventures this past week!  Such a great character and a wonderful addition to the Firestorm mythos! I’m looking forward to seeing where this new version will take us!

Support Firestorm (and Pozhar)! Fan the flame!

Pozhar Week: When Mikhail Met Jason

We’re continuing our Pozhar Week coverage! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. Okay, so we might not be producing a consecutive week, but we’re gonna get five days worth of posts out of this eventually.  :)  Today we’re looking at Mikhail’s more recent appearances in Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol. III.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #27 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

In Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol. III #27 (Sept. 2006) by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle, Mikhail Arkadin returned to comics after a more than fifteen year absence.  Some time prior to his reappearance, Mikhail was exposed to plutonium from a dirty bomb while inspecting a former Soviet power plant in Lithuania.  This resulted in Mikhail gaining his new powers.  He adopted a new costume and began calling himself Firestorm.  Since then he’d been operating in Eastern Europe trying to prevent nuclear disasters.  Once Firehawk informed Mikhail of Jason’s role as Firestorm, he re-adopted to his Pozhar codename.  Sadly, we also discovered that his wife Nina had left him some time ago.  When Jason first met Mikhail in issue #28, a battle nearly erupted between the two of them (in classic superhero team-up fashion).

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #28 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #28 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #28 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Next, our heroes were ambushed by some atomically-powered Dolly cyborgs. In his Pozhar identity, Mikhail helped Firestorm and Firehawk defeat the man-machines.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #28 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #29 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Y’know, I really dig Pozhar’s symbol on this costume.  It’s like a zoomed-in version of the classic Firestorm symbol.  If you look, you can clearly make out the edge of the sun symbol, along with the three electron paths.  Nice attention to detail, Mr. Igle!

Then, in an effort to trace the origins of the Dolly attackers, our favorite Nuclear heroes freed the Pionic Man (a former Firestorm foe) from his containment at S.T.A.R. Labs.  This lead to Hewitt Enterprises, the place where Lorraine first became Firehawk against her will (in Fury of Firestorm #17, way back in Oct. 1983).  Mikhail joined Lorraine and Professor Stein in their investigation at Hewitt Enterprises.  There they met Victor Hewitt, CEO of the company and son of Henry Hewitt.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #30

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #30

Later, Jason discovered that Victor Hewitt was actually Henry Hewitt (a.k.a. former Firestorm villain Tokomak).  After being defeated by Firestorm way back in Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 (1983), Henry merged with a clone of himself taking on the role of his own son, Victor Hewitt.  Victor had been manipulating events in Firestorm’s life for quite some time, including directing the actions of: the Pupil, the Pionic Man, the Dollies, and even Jason’s girlfriend Gehenna (who turned out to be another altered clone of Henry Hewitt – awkward!).  Victor explained his imminent plan for causing numerous nuclear disasters around the world, while at the same time making himself invincible. Jason, Professor Stein, Firehawk, the Pionic Man, and Pozhar put a stop to Tokomak before he could realize his mad scheme.  During the final battle, Jason unintentionally caused Tokomak’s death.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #31 by Stuart Moore and Freddie Williams II

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #31 by Stuart Moore and Freddie Williams II

With the world saved, our heroes took some time to catch their breath.  When we last saw Mikhail, he and Lorraine were ringing in 2007 with a New Year’s Eve kiss.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #32 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #32 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #32 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #32 by Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle

This was Mikhail’s last appearance before the New 52.  I gotta say, there are certainly worse ways to go out.  Way to go, Mikhail!

That’s it for today! Come back tomorrow as we wrap-up our look at Pozhar!

Support Firestorm (and Pozhar)! Fan the flame!

Pozhar Week: Supporting Cast

After a two day hiatus, we’re continuing Pozhar Week! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. Today we’re examining the supporting characters in Mikhail Arkadin’s world…

First and foremost is Mikhail’s family.  Mikhail was a committed family man, even though the duel life of Firestorm sometimes created difficulties.  In the image below you’ll see (from L to R): Serefina Arkadina (Mikhail’s niece, a.k.a. Firebird), Mikhail with his two daughters (Irena and Sofia), Nina Arkadin (Mikhail’s wife), and Alexander & Sylvia (Mikhail’s brother and sister-in-law, and parents of Serefina).  Alexander often came to the rescue, whether it was securing release for Mikhail from the KGB or securing Mikhail a teaching position at the University.  While Alexander was helpful, he was also very critical of Mikhail.  As an employee of the Soviet government, Alexander was concerned about Mikhail’s seemingly erratic disappearances (truthfully, the time Mikhail was away as Firestorm).

Mikhail Arkadin and his family

Next up is Mikhail’s other brother, Dmitri.  Dmitri’s life had taken a dramatically different path from either Alexander or Mikhail.  Dmitri was a black market profiteer.  While his dealings were shady, he was very kind to his extended family.  Below you’ll see a typical Arkadin brother gathering.

Mikhail Arkadin's brothers

Mikhail’s niece Serefina had telepathic powers.  She adopted the superhero codename of Firebird and organized a team of other super-powered teenagers.  Soyuz was the Russian equivalent of the Teen Titans.  Below you’ll find their Who’s Who entry from Who’s Who Update ’88 #3 (Oct. 88).  Click the image to enlarge.

Firestorm's Soyuz

Next up is Gregori Eilovotich Rasputin, an acquaintance of Dmitri’s.  Rasputin was a mysterious man with occult powers.  When asked if he was descended from the mad monk of legend Rasputin, his response was, “Perhaps I AM the mad monk of legend.”  Rasputin helped Ronnie and Mikhail better understand the true nature of Firestorm, which lead to the creation of the first Elemental Firestorm.

Mikhail Arkadin and Rasputin

Now we’re moving on to Pozhar’s adversaries!  First up is Stalnoivolk/The Steel Wolf (Ivan Illyich Gort).  He was sort of like a Soviet Captain America with the face of Joseph Stalin. He wasn’t a super villain, he was just a super-powered soldier that followed orders.  A very dangerous and destructive cold war relic.  Below you’ll find his Who’s Who entry from Who’s Who Update ’88 #3 (Oct. 88).  Click the image to enlarge.

Stalnoivolk (Steel Wolf) from Firestorm

Major Zastrow is a creepy old bald guy with a tremendous amount of clout with the KGB.  He’s like the Soviet equivalent of Amanda Waller and is the head of a secret covert operations team called the Red Shadows.  He created numerous headaches for Mikhail and his family.  Below you’ll find a shot of Zastrow.

Marjor Zastrow from Firestorm

Finally we have the Zuggernaut.  Not the most fondly remembered of Firestorm villains, but his origin was tied to the Soviet Union.  Zuggernaut seemed to have been inspired by the creatures from Aliens, but maybe that’s just me.  Below you’ll find Zuggernaut’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008).

Zuggernaut from Firestorm

That’s it for today!  Come back next week where we’ll wrap-up our look at Pozhar!

Support Firestorm (and Pozhar)! Fan the flame!

Interview with Joe Harris & Ethan Van Sciver on Newsarama

Howdy Match-heads!  Sorry, but I gotta delay the next installment of Pozhar Week a little longer.  I’m swamped with my real job right now.  In the meantime, check out this interview with Joe Harris and Ethan Van Sciver about Fury of Firestorm over on Newsarama!  Also, keep your eyes on Comic Book Resources on Thursday.  Joe Harris did an interview with CBR Wednesday night and he mentioned it should be up on Thursday!

Joe Harris from The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men

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OFFICIAL: Joe Harris replaces Gail Simone; Van Sciver draws two issues

We interrupt Pozhar Week here at FIRESTORM FAN for some very exciting news!  DC Comics has announced that beginning with The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7, Joe Harris will be co-plotting with Ethan Van Sciver and writing the scripts!  Additionally, Van Sciver will provide interior art for issues #7 and #8!  Now don’t worry, we’re not losing the amazing Yildiray Cinar. He’ll be back on the book with issue #9.


If you’re not familiar with Joe Harris’ work, then check him out at Comic Book DBclick here and click here (he has two different entries currently).  Personally, I really enjoyed his Slingers series!  You may also check out below his biography from his website:

“No one writes horror quite like JOE HARRIS,” says Wizard World of the acclaimed writer of numerous comics, graphic novels and movies mixing horror with tales of super-heroes and the supernatural.

As a young creator at Marvel Comics, Joe launched the cult-classic Spider-Man spinoff series, Slingers and wrote myriad other titles including Bishop: The Last X-Man. He has written for all major comics publishers and franchises including the X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman and others.

He conceived and co-wrote the screenplay for the hit Sony Pictures film, Darkness Falls and the politically-themed slasher movie and Fox release, The Tripper before returning to comics and launching creator-owned properties that brought his experiences in publishing and moviemaking together.

His supernatural title, Ghost Projekt was published by Oni Press. Called the “Best Miniseries” of 2010 by Wizard and lauded by Ain’t It Cool News as “one of the finest” of the year, the tense tale of ghosts, gambits and Cold War-era secrets is currently being adapted for television by SyFy.

Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm, interior art by Ethan Van Sciver


Also announced was Gail Simone will be leaving the Fury of Firestorm series.  Issue #6 will be her final issue.  This rumor has been floating around for some time, so this doesn’t come as a tremendous shock.  Gail Simone had this to say on her message board:

These things happen. They always suck, but they happen. An editor’s vision doesn’t match what you thought the book was about, it happens.  But Ethan was the guy who really saw a huge mythic potential in Firestorm, and he’s still on the book so I have a feeling it’s going to be cranked up considerably. Him doing art for two issues is a big deal, as well.

Personally, I’m sad to see Gail Simone leave the series.  I have no doubt Ethan, Joe, and Yildiray will produce excellent comics, but we’ll still miss Gail.  I’m very appreciative of all the support she’s given the FIRESTORM FAN site.  Be sure to support Gail by picking up her Batgirl series – it’s excellent!


Ethan Van Sciver had this to say on Facebook:

FIRESTORM!!! I’d like to introduce you all to Joe Harris, screenwriter, comic book writer, and left-wing extremist who will join me in bringing you the next chapters of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM, starting with issue #7! I’ll be drawing interiors for 7 and 8. We’ll light all of your heads on fire! See you soon!

Joe Harris is a gentleman. I have to say. He has political views that are diametrically opposed to mine in most places, but he’s thoughtful, polite, kind, and never overbearing. I love him. He and I get along perfectly.

Joe Harris had this to say on Facebook:

News has broken, finally. I’m joining FIRESTORM, writing the scripts and co-plotting with Ethan Van Sciver (who’s also going to be drawing my first two issues — #7-8)! It’s going to kick all sorts of ass, I do promise. We’ve got some pretty shocking stuff lined up.

First FIRESTORM issue Ethan and I are coming out of the gate with is explosive, to say the least. Kids. Nuclear weapons. What could go wrong?

Joe Harris had this to say on his own blog:

The first arc is called “The Firestorm Protocols” and, I can promise you, it’s going to be filled with a lot of big science fiction concepts and super-hero smackdowns… some good, tense international and geopolitical maneuvering around the prospect of a new nuclear arms race in a much smaller and interconnected world than the Cold War-era knew, and some really dark, juicy moments that should really shock the hell out of people.

Fury of Firestorm editor Rachel Gluckstern had this to say on the DC Blog:

The secrets are out, the weapons are amassing, and Ronnie and Jason have barely begun to understand the depths in which they’re swimming.  Once they were normal teens, now they wield incredible powers – and have caused incredible disasters. And it’s only going to get worse. Ethan Van Sciver and Joe Harris are kicking down the doors in this new chapter of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM, taking our heroes into the global arena of politics and power. We’re going to learn the truth about Professor Stein and all the plans he set in place, which are now spiraling out of control. Join us for the thrilling new story — THE FIRESTORM PROTOCOLS!

Jason Rusch as Firestorm, interior art by Ethan Van Sciver


Below are some of the comic book news sites that are talking about this big change:


My thanks to Keith G. Baker, liquidcross, Luke Jaconetti, and Brandon Leonard for the heads-up on this breaking news!  We’ll be talking lots more about Joe Harris in the coming months, but for now let’s give him a warm Match-head welcome!

Support Firestorm (and Joe Harris)! Fan the flame!

Pozhar Week: Mikhail’s Fashion Show

We’re continuing Pozhar Week! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. All this week we’ll be looking at different facets of Pozhar! Today we’re examining the various looks of Mikhail Arkadin…

When we first met Mikhail Arkadin (the man who would become Pozhar), it was after the Chernobyl accident.  The majority of his skin had been burned off and he continued to burn uncontrollably; miraculously he survived.  Below is the first shot we ever saw of Mikhail taken from Fury of Firestorm vol. II #62 (Aug. 1987), drawn by Joe Brozowski and Dick Giordano.

Mikhail Arkadin aka Pozhar from Fury of Firestorm #62

After being recruited by Major Zastrow, Mikhail was fitted with a Rocket Red suit of armor.  Around this time he was assigned the codename “Pozhar”, meaning “destructive fire”.  Below you see Mikhail testing his powers taken from Fury of Firestorm vol. II #63 (Sept. 1987), drawn by Joe Brozowski and Sam de la Rosa.

Mikhail Arkadin aka Pozhar in Rocket Red armor from Fury of Firestorm #63

After surviving the blast of a nuclear missile, Pozhar and Firestorm were fused into one single entity.  This merged being became the new Firestorm; an incarnation I refer to as the “blank slate” Firestorm.  Below is the first image we ever saw of this new Firestorm taken from Firestorm the Nuclear Man Annual vol. II #5 (1987), drawn by Joe Brozowski and Alfredo Alcala.

Blank Slate Firestorm from Firestorm the Nuclear Man Annual #5

When not Firestorm, Mikhail was returned to his Russian home.  His body had returned to normal and his Pozhar powers were only present when he was part of Firestorm.  Below is a shot of Mikhail Arkadin looking quite normal taken from Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol. II #80 (Dec. 1988), drawn by Tom Grindberg and Sam de la Rosa.

Mikhail Arkadin aka Pozhar from Fury of Firestorm #80

In Firestorm vol. II #85 (May 1989), Ronnie Raymond and Mikhail Arkadin were permanently absorbed (or so we thought) into the Firestorm entity.  The resulting merger created the Firestorm Elemental incarnation.  Below is the cover to Firestorm vol. II #92 (Dec. 1989) featuring the Elemental Firestorm drawn by Tom Mandrake.

Elemental Firestorm from Firestorm #92

In Firestorm vol. II #100 (Aug. 1990), the Elemental Firestorm released Mikhail and Ronnie.  Mikhail was joyously reunited with his wife and children.  This was the last time we’d see Mikhail for a long while.

More than fifteen years later, Mikhail returned in Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol. III #27 (Sept. 2006).  Mikhail had regained his Pozhar powers after being exposed to plutonium released by a dirty bomb.  Mikhail resumed being a superhero, and even teamed up with Firestorm again during the Jason Rusch/Professor Stein era.  Below you’ll find an image of Mikhail’s new Pozhar costume taken from Firestorm the Nuclear Man vol. III #27 (Sept. 2006) drawn by Jamal Igle and Keith Champagne.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #27

Finally, below is the cover from The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men vol. IV #4 drawn by Ethan Van Sciver.  It features a character we believe to be the New 52 incarnation of Pozhar.  We don’t know much about this new Pozhar other than he’s Russian.  Hopefully some semblance of the fantastic character of Mikhail Arkadin will remain within the reimagined Pozhar.

Pozhar from The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4

That’s it for today!  Come back tomorrow as we continue our look at Pozhar!

Support Firestorm (and Pozhar)! Fan the flame!

Pozhar Week: Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin

Welcome to Pozhar Week!  With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, I thought I’d cover the character’s pre-New 52 continuity.  All this week we’ll be looking at different facets of Pozhar!  Today we’re looking at some of his history…

Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin was a nuclear technician at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Russia (you can probably guess where this is going).  When not working, Mikhail was a family man.  His wife’s name was Nina, his daughters Irena and Sofia.  Unfortunately Mikhail was caught in the Chernobyl disaster; the only reason for his survival was the activation of Mikhail’s metagene.  Mikhail spent several months in a catatonic state.  When he awoke, the majority of his skin had burned off and he continued to burn uncontrollably, and somehow he continued to survive.  Mikhail was then recruited by Major Zastrow, leader of the Red Shadows, and given the codename Pozhar (translates to “destructive fire”).  Mikhail was fitted with a Rocket Red suit of armor and began testing his new powers.  Mikhail discovered that he’d gained the ability to: burn through just about any substance, create geysers of lava, project blasts of fire, and reduce any matter on hand into consumable energy for himself.

Through a series of circumstances (which you should really read for yourself: Fury of Firestorm #62-#64, Firestorm the Nuclear Man Annual #5, and Firestorm the Nuclear Man #65), Mikhail found himself part of the Firestorm matrix.  No longer was the Nuclear Man the fusion of teenager Ronnie Raymond and scientist Professor Martin Stein.  After Firestorm The Nuclear Man Annual #5 (Oct 1987), Firestorm was composed of teenager Ronnie Raymond and Russian nuclear technician Mikhail Arkadin.  Whenever they were merged as Firestorm, both Raymond and Arkadin were trapped inside the fused body unable to affect its actions.  The being in control of the Firestorm form was independent from Raymond and Arkadin and acted very detached.  The new Firestorm had his own personality and desires, yet he seemed to lack any life experience and had no memories.  He was a blank slate.  Many months later it was revealed the blank slate entity controlling Firestorm was actually Professor Stein’s amnesiac subconscious.  For more on the “Blank Slate” Firestorm, please click here.

When not Firestorm, Mikhail was returned to his Russian home.  His body had returned to normal and his Pozhar powers were only present when he was part of Firestorm.  Mikhail’s regular life began to settle down and he secured a position teaching nuclear physics at a University.  The Firestorm comic during this era spent much of it’s time splitting the action between the United States and Russia.  Some of the Russian subplots included: the Cold War super-soldier Stalnoivolk, Zastrow’s continued manipulation, the alien Zuggernaut, Mikhail’s brothers, his niece Serafina and the teen super-team Soyuz, Mikhail’s rocky relationship with his wife Nina, the blinding of his daughter Sofia, and the mysterious Rasputin.

The “Blank Slate” Firestorm’s existence lasted nearly two years.  Neither Ronnie nor Mikhail were part of the series during the Elemental Firestorm era; they had both been absorbed into the Elemental entity.  Mikhail briefly reappeared in Firestorm #100, reunited with his wife and children.  Years later, Mikhail regained his Pozhar powers after being exposed to plutonium released by a dirty bomb.  Mikhail resumed being a superhero, and even teamed up with Firestorm again during the Jason Rusch/Professor Stein era.  We’ll talk more about Mikhail’s recent exploits later this week!

Writer John Ostrander took a big gamble changing Firestorm as dramatically as he did back in 1987.  I believe it was a gamble that really paid off!  Changing Firestorm to be half-American and half-Russian was a brilliant move, especially during the late 1980s.  With the United States and the Soviet Union the major nuclear powers at the time, it made perfect sense.  These changes brought lots of interesting new situations, settings, and characters.  Best of all, we got the incredibly likeable Mikhail Arkadin!  Mikhail will be remembered fondly as an integral part of the Firestorm mythos.

Below you’ll find Pozhar’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008).  For fun, notice the accidentally-included notes after “Hair”.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar and Firestorm from DC Comics Encyclopedia

Next up is a decent write-up about Pozhar from  I believe this content was originally posted to Wikipedia, but was later eliminated as they consolidated Firestorm-related pages.


First appearance: Fury of Firestorm #62, (August 1987)
Alter ego: Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin
Created by: John Ostrander (writer) and Joe Brozowski (artist)

Fictional character biography

Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin was a nuclear technician at the Chernobyl nuclear power generating plant in Russia. After an accident in reactor #4 caused an out-of-control fire, his metagene was activated. Major Zastrow, leader of the Red Shadows, arrived at the scene of the accident and recruited Mikhail.

In 1986 after Gerry Conway’s departure, John Ostrander took over the writing chores on Fury of Firestorm. His first major story arc pitted Firestorm against the world, as the hero (acting on a suggestion from a terminally ill Professor Stein) demanded the U.S. and the Soviet Union destroy all of their nuclear weapons. After tussles with the Justice League and most of his enemies, Firestorm faced off against Pozhar in the Nevada desert, where both had an atomic bomb dropped on them.

When the smoke cleared, a new Firestorm was created who was made up of Raymond and Arkadin, but controlled by the disembodied amnesiac mind of Professor Stein. The stories featuring this version of the hero were highly political, with a good deal of action taking place in Mikhail Gorbachev’s Moscow.

The Raymond/Arkadin Firestorm proved to be a transitional phase, as in 1989, Ostrander fundamentally changed the character of Firestorm by revealing that Firestorm was a “Fire Elemental”. Taking his cue from Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing (a plant elemental), Firestorm now became something of an environmental crusader, formed from Raymond, Arkadin, and a Soviet clone of the previous Firestorm, but with a new mind. Professor Stein, no longer part of the composite at all, and cured of his cancer, continued to play a role as adviser.

Eventually, it was revealed that Stein had originally been intended to be the fire elemental solely by himself: the inclusion of others in the Firestorm entity, such as Raymond and Arkadin had always been by accident. In order to defeat the monster Brimstone, who was threatening to destroy the Sun, Firestorm split into his three parts and allowed Stein to transform into Firestorm. Arkadin then presumably returned to his homeland, depowered.

Mikhail’s niece is Serafina Arkadin (Firebird); she is the leader of Soyuz, the Russian equivalent of the Teen Titans.

One Year Later

Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin returned as Pozhar in Firestorm the Nuclear Man v3 #27, September 2006. In issue #29 Mikhail reveals that he regained his powers after being exposed to the plutonium released by a dirty bomb.

Powers and abilities

Pozhar can alter the density of his own body, project bolts of nuclear energy, fly at great speed, and absorb radiation in to his body harmlessly.

According to Firestorm v3 #29, Pozhar is an energy transformer, not an energy battery like Firestorm or Firehawk, so he is incapable of retaining large stores of energy and uses up whatever he absorbs. Pozhar usually converts matter into energy to recharge himself, but can also absorb extant radiation.

Notes:  In Russian the word “pozhar” means destructive fire.

That’s it for today!  Come back tomorrow as we continue our look at Pozhar!

Support Firestorm (and Pozhar)! Fan the flame!

Firebird of Soyuz

Ready for a blast from the past?  Anyone remember the team of Russian super-powered teenagers called Soyuz?  Check out Firebird’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008). Firebird was secretly Serafina Arkadina, the niece of Mikhail Arkadin (a.k.a. Pozhar, and one-half of the “Blank Slate”-era Firestorm).

Firebird of Soyuz from Firestorm in the DC Comics Encyclopedia

At one point, John Ostrander was interested in producing a Soyuz mini-series with artist Joe Brozowski.  Makes you wonder what that would have been like!

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Fan Art by Thuddleston and AlexMax

Today we’re looking at some fan-created art of Firestorm and Killer Frost!

First up we have Firestorm by Terry Huddleston (Thuddleston on deviantART).

Firestorm by Thuddleston

Terry drew this Firestorm back in 2008.  While I like this Firestorm, I’m even more impressed with his recent work. Terry has been doing a series of fantastic head-shots and full-body poses of various Marvel and DC characters.  Click here for Terry’s DC head-shots and click here for his DC full-body poses.  So cool!

Next up we have Killer Frost by Alessandro (AlexMax on deviantART).

Killer Frost by AlexMax

I love the stylized look!  This is actually just one section of a larger drawing featuring seven members of the Secret Society.  Click here to see the entire piece also featuring: Clayface, Giganta, Gorilla Grodd, Deathstroke, Fatality, and Ocean Master.

My thanks to Dan from the It’s a Dan’s World blog for leading me to Terry Huddleston’s work. My thanks to Frank Lee Delano for leading me to Alessandro’s work. Check out Frank’s Power of the Atom blog for a great Hawkman by Alessandro, then follow the links for four more cool pieces by the same artist! Finally, check out Once Upon a Geek today as I’ve got artwork of Doctor Fate by both Terry Huddleston and Alessandro!

Support Firestorm (plus Thuddleston & AlexMax)! Fan the flame!

Van Sciver, Simone, and their Editor discuss FIRESTORM

Over the past couple weeks, Fury of Firestorm creators have been sharing lots of great behind-the-scenes info on the news series.  I gathered and highlighted below some of the information that pertains to the current Fury of Firestorm series.

Art from Fury of Firestorm #3 by Yildiray Cinar

Gail Simone on Newsarama

Fury of Firestorm co-plotter and scripter Gail Simone recently spoke with Newsarama about the new series. Below are a few of her responses during the interview.

  • I’ve gone back and read some of the original Firestorm stories, and they are quite remarkable, they are full of fun ideas, and some genuine optimism, and some really likeable characters. They were also created by some of my favorite writers, guys like Gerry Conway and John Ostrander.  I think the problem we had was that the world’s view of nuclear energy got some serious rethinking recently, with events in Japan and elsewhere. Whether that’s fair or not, it’s something that is very powerful. To me, Fury represents terror, the kind of panic that started with the cold war, that we are dealing with forces just barely under control, and when they are set loose, the results are devastating.
  • Our heroes are basically good guys, they’re decent young men. Fury isn’t decent, and he’s someone even the Justice League have to keep a close eye on. He adds that measure of unpredictability that both Ethan and I cherish.
  • Our lives are connected to strings pulled by people we didn’t vote for, and don’t even know exist. People who control technology control seismic shifts in the way we live, they control whether or not we have a career. Zither is that face behind the curtain, for good or ill.
  • I love that guy [Yildiray Cinar] — he’s perfect for this, his dynamism, his monsters, I just love his storytelling and designs. And he loves drawing Firestorm. Also, he’s an idea man. He adds tremendously to the stories.

Fury of Firestorm #3 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Ethan Van Sciver on the DC Comics Message Boards

As reported previously, Fury of Firestorm co-plotter and cover artist Ethan Van Sciver has been spending some time lately over on the DC Comics Message Board in the Firestorm forum. He created a thread allowing fans to directly ask him questions about the new Firestorm series. The thread is entitled, “FIRESTORM QUESTIONS FOR ETHAN VAN SCIVER! Ask here!”  You should really visit the message board and check out this thread.  Lots of great discussion on Firestorm, Ethan’s art, and much more.  Here are a few of Ethan’s responses relating to the current Firestorm series:

  • Martin Stein did much, much more than develop a Nuclear Power Plant in our post-Flashpoint DCU FIRESTORM book. A Nobel Prize wouldn’t cover it. But wait and see. He’s a complicated man.
  • I never meant to imply that kids wouldn’t want to read about Martin Stein. In fact, he’s the entire crux of this series. You’re going to be reading a lot about him. He’s a much bigger force, and a much more mysterious fellow in our series than he ever was before, and you’re going to be hearing some very strange things about him soon.
  • As co-plotter, I worked with Gail to establish what the FIRESTORM PROTOCOL is, what our boys can do, what the overall conspiracy is, and where we should be headed. Issue to issue, I turn in a rough outline of key bullet points, and Gail does all the rest. I plotted issue #4 by myself, however, just for fun.
  • I want to use ALL classic Firestorm friends and villains in fresh new ways.
  • Yildiray and I designed the FIRESTORM suits together with input from Gail and editorial, and I created and designed FURY. Yildiray really is a fantastic designer, and we’re letting him do all of the design work now, which is fairly extensive. I like his ideas.
  • Yildiray is awesome, but yeah, I’d like to take a crack at interiors as soon as possible. Just for fun, like a fill in. We’ll let you know when. I haven’t done interiors in ages, and kinda feel like it’s time to get back into it again.
  • Ronnie and Jason’s parents are vital to the series, and play a big role in their lives and the decisions they make. You’ll see what I mean very soon!
  • Ronnie and Jason are both just shy of their 18th birthdays, and are juniors in high school. They live in Walton Mills, which is a nice suburb of Pittsburgh.
  • Firestorm will interact with the Justice League soon.
  • As for FURY, yes, he’s a big fiery Hulk. But he’s something much, much more important than that. Nothing is what it seems on the surface right now.
  • Ronnie and Jason are still young and inexperienced. They have no idea how powerful they are, nor do they have a clue of the power they are capable of wielding. Right now, if Ronnie or Jadon went toe to toe with Superman, I think they’d have problems. As Fury, they are a match for Superman. Or they will be once they figure out how to control the Fury entity. If Ronnie and Jason fully understood the vast power available to them, they could take down the Green Lantern Corps.
  • Fury, He’s a vessel that exists because of the conflict between Ronnie and Jason. But obviously, there’s much, much more to it that can’t be discussed until more stuff is revealed. His “tough talk” is something Gail contrived. I thought Fury would be silent and uncontrollable, and cause mass destruction. He’s ghostly, representing nuclear annihilation. A grim reaper. But that’s only what’s on the outside. Ronnie and Jason see through his eyes. They ought to turn around.

Fury by Yildiray Cinar

Rachel Gluckstern on Comic Book Resources

Fury of Firestorm editor Rachel Gluckstern sat down with Comic Book Resources recently to talk about the series.  My thanks to match-head Keith G. Baker for the heads-up about this interview.  Below are a few of her responses during the interview.

  • …we don’t want people to physically look for Professor Stein in these pages, but rather, pay attention to what Jason is experiencing as he interacts with the Firestorm Protocols and what happens when Jason and Ronnie are combined into Fury. That’s really where I want to guide readers attention.
  • Pohzar is going to be a very interesting addition to the book, particularly his connection to Professor Stein. We’re not going to physically see Professor Stein in the present day, at least not anytime soon that I’m aware of, but his presence kind of overshadows things, particularly with the revelation we will have in issue three. Going forward from there, Pohzar is going to shed a whole new light on him, too. It’s going to be pretty intense!
  • I want people to really pay attention to Fury as well, when Ronnie and Jason combine into Fury, to see if there is any sort of hints there that they might find interesting regarding Professor Stein and the boys in general.
  • I think my job is to make sure they can tell the best story possible through their talents. I kind of just hope that I can help them focus on what they need to tell and let them tell it. Now, there’s no end of big ideas coming from them, and we have these weekly meetings and we’re always in contact — it’s a very thorough collaboration going on at every moment. My role is to stay informed and to make sure everybody’s not contradicting each other and that’s about it! [Laughs] But it’s really great, and Ethan, particularly, just loves to bring in everybody at any given moment. He wants Yildiray [Cinar] on these calls, which is a little difficult because Yildiray lives in Turkey, and he’s always throwing off these big ideas and Gail really comes through with the voice. It’s a fascinating collaboration. I’m really glad to be a part of it. They’re really doing the hard work! And Ethan has to do the covers, too, and Gail does the scripts. It’s very equal and solid collaboration, it’s very exciting.

Maybe it’s just me, but Gluckstern’s comments lead me to wonder if the Fury entity is secretly being controlled by Professor Martin Stein.  Fury doesn’t display the Professor’s typical behavior, but perhaps it’s his subconscious (like it was during the “Blank Slate” era).  Just some speculation on my part.

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