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DC Minimalist Poster and Faux Firestorm Cover by Dustin

Below is one of the neatest poster ideas I’ve seen! Dustin Koetsch (a.k.a. Dustin Von Doom, Dustin Wildcard, and Dustin Ω) designed several “minimalist posters” based upon the costumes of DC Comics characters. He then took several of them and created the amazing collage below. You can find this on his deviantART page. Click the image below to enlarge and see if you can name all the characters!

DC Comics Minimalist Posters by Dustin

Below is a close-up of the Firestorm minimalist poster from Dustin’s Tumblr page. I love the creases and folds in the poster! Looks genuinely old! Based upon the electron paths (white lines), I’m guessing he modeled this design from a later Firestorm costume or action figure. You’ll notice there are three electron paths on the left, but only two on the right. That occurred on Jason’s post-Infinite Crisis costume, and on several recent action figures (regardless of the incarnation of Firestorm).  /end nerdy analysis.

Firestorm Minimalist Poster by Dustin Von Doom

As a bonus, check out this super-cool faux Firestorm cover also designed by Dustin! He created it using pages and covers with the character. Such a gorgeous design! You can find this on Dustin’s deviantART page.

Firestorm Faux Cover by Dustin

Be sure to check out Dustin on his website, deviantART, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and numerous other locations on the web! Tell him FIRESTORM FAN sent you!

My thanks to the Boosterrifc blog where I first came across the DC Comics Minimalist Poster.

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Firestorm in the NBA, plus DC vs Marvel Basketball

I use Google Alerts to help me find Firestorm-related content on the web.  Typically the alerts are full of useless news articles citing a “political firestorm in Washington DC”, or some ridiculous “celebrity social media firestorm”. But every once in a while I come across some completely bizarre Firestorm-related gem. When I found this one, I simply couldn’t pass it up!

There is a website called NLSC (NBA Live Series Center) that is dedicated to covering basketball video games. On their forum someone has started a Marvel vs DC basketball topic. This thread includes images of Marvel and DC characters playing basketball. A forum member who goes by “MGX” posted an image of Firestorm in NBA gear! Check it out below!

Firestorm by MGX on NLSC

Considering Ronnie played basketball throughout high school, this seems pretty fitting!

Now this next part is the AMAZING bit! Someone has taken these custom skins for the game and created a video! Firestorm even appears!

DC vs Marvel Basketball! Enjoy!

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Yildiray Cinar’s First Pitch for the New 52 Firestorm

A couple weeks ago Yildiray Cinar posted his first pitch for the New 52 Firestorm design. Check out this awesome design below!

Yildiray Cinar's first pitch for the New 52 Firestorm on Tumblr

You can quickly see that his New 52 design was heavily influenced by the Elemental Firestorm. In fact, on Tumblr Cinar said, “Now you know I’m a fan of the elemental version from 90’s.” As a huge fan of the Elemental Firestorm myself, I LOVE this design! I think this is a fantastic modernization of the Elemental look! If the new series ever touches on the Elemental Firestorm concept, I’d love to see this design used!

Long time readers of FIRESTORM FAN may recall Yildiray Cinar was drawing sketches of the Elemental Firestorm long before he ever got the New 52 gig. We’ve previously posted the sketches below, but they are so gorgeous they are worth posting again! The first sketch below was done in 2009, and the second in 2010.

Yildiray Cinar draws the Elemental Firestorm

Yildiray Cinar draws the Elemental Firestorm

Yildiray Cinar returns next issue as the regular artist on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Be sure to check out Yildiray Cinar on Twitter, Tumblr, and his own website!

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Firestorm, L’Homme Nucléaire

In honor of the current storyline taking place in France in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, let’s check out some French Firestorm comics! Faucon Noir (translated as Black Hawk) was a French comic collection published bi-monthly in digest format during the late 1970s.  Issue #12 was released in 1979 weighing-in at a whopping 130 pages and featured several characters, such as Hawkman, the Justice Society, Firestorm and more. This issue reprinted Firestorm: The Nuclear Man vol I #3 by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom. As you’ll see below, the publisher chose the splash page from that issue for the cover. Strange choice as it makes Firestorm appear pretty threatening.

The scans below come compliments of our good friend Jon at Fizzit, the Firestorm-themed blog.

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

Let’s jump forward little later in the comic to see Firestorm battling Killer Frost!

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

French publication Faucon Noir featuring Firestorm

My thanks again to Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog for providing me with theses scans to publish!  Jon has supplied FIRESTORM FAN with numerous scans over the past few years, including Firestorm comics translated into Spanish, Arabic, and German!  Jon is also quite the collector of original Firestorm artwork.  You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.

Soutenir Firestorm! Attiser la Flamme!

Fan-Created Firestorm Painting Spotted at Local Comic Shop

While shopping at his local comic shop, fellow match-head Keith G. Baker came across this cool fan-created Firestorm painting for sale.

Firestorm painting spotted at Capital Comics II in Raleigh, NC

Keith found this at his comic shop, Capital Comics II in Raleigh, NC. According to the owner, the painting was done by a customer. It’s a little difficult to make out, but I believe the painting is signed “Cave”. The image itself is based upon David Finch’s variant cover to Brightest Day #11.

My thanks to Keith for sending this our way! Much appreciated!

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Go read Justice League International #9 in stores today! This issue features writing by Dan Jurgens, pencils by Aaron Lopresti, inks by Matthew Ryan, and colors by Hi-Fi Colour Design. The cover is by David Finch, Richard Friend, and Jeromy Cox. Don’t worry, you haven’t stumbled onto the Booster Gold blog by accident. We’re promoting this issue of Justice League International because it kicks off a crossover with The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #9!

Justice League International #9 covery by David Finch, Richard Friend, and Jeromy Cox

If you can’t pick up your copy right now, swing over to io9 for a five-page preview! The page below comes from that io9 coverage. Check out the issue title!

Justice League International #9 by Dan Jurgens, Aaron Lopresti, Matthew Ryan, and Hi-Fi

Here are some of the details on the issue:

Written by: Dan Jurgens
Pencilled by: Aaron Lopresti
Inked by: Matthew Ryan
Lettered by: Travis Lanham
Colored by: Hi-Fi
Cover pencilled by: David Finch
Cover inked by: Richard Friend
Cover Color by: Jeromy N. Cox
On Sale May 2, 2012 | Color | 32 pages | $2.99

  • It’s the JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL against O.M.A.C in a fight to the finish!
  • Special crossover with this month’s FIRESTORM #9!

I’m looking forward to this! Be sure to leave your comments here! We’ll talk later!

Support Firestorm (and the JLI)! Fan the flame!

Know Your Firestorms – New 52 Edition


Here you’ll find a brief guide to each of the New 52 Firestorms. These entries will provide you with their name, appearance, country of origin, and perhaps a few other details. I plan to update this guide from time-to-time, so be sure to visit again and look for new content. This guide is intended to be a brief overview, not a complete encyclopedic entry.

It appears that some Firestorms have unique powers, while other Firestorms share similar powers. Some of the more common powers seen across multiple Firestorms include: flight, energy blasts, heat generation, matter transmutation, creation of constructs, and super-strength.

If you’re wondering why there are so many Firestorms, here is the explanation as given by Zithertech Director Candace Zither…

The idea was that every country that had a nuclear program would have a Firestorm, a national defender. A hero with the capabilities of mutually assured destruction. Eliminating the need for defense budgets even the richest of countries could no longer afford. All based on Stein’s Protocols.


Code Name: Firestorm
Real Name: Ronald “Ronnie” Raymond
Country: United States of America
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1

Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar

In The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10, Ronnie was seen wearing a new costume (see below). It appears this new costume and his energy left hand are new manifestations of his powers.

Ronnie Raymond's new Firestorm costume by Yildiray Cinar

Code Name: Firestorm
Real Name: Jason Rusch
Country: United States of America
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1

Jason Rusch as Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar

Code Name: Fury
Real Name: Unknown/Not applicable
Country: United States of America
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1
Notes: Fury is a being created by the merging of Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch, yet Fury possesses its own independent personality.

Fury by Yildiray Cinar

Code Name: Wrath
Real Name: Unknown/Not applicable
Country: Appeared in France
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #9
Notes: Wrath is a being created by the merging of Jason Rusch and Firehawk, yet Wrath possesses its own independent personality. The merger proved to be too unstable, resulting in Jason and Firehawk being thrown into the Quantum Field.

Wrath by Yildiray Cinar


Code Name: Pozhar
Real Name: Professor Mikhail Arkadin
Country: Russia
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 (cameo); The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4 (in full)
Notes: Mikhail claims to have invented the original Firestorm Protocols along with Professor Martin Stein. He has refereed to himself as “A Red Shadow”.

Mikhail Arkadin as Pozhar the Russian Firestorm by Ethan Van Sciver

Code Name: Helix
Real Name: Roger (husband of Director Candace Zither)
Country: United States of America
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3
Notes: Roger was selected to be the defender of the United States. He was the first to experience Professor Stein’s Firestorm Protocols. Unfortunately the experiment went horribly wrong. Helix was killed by Fury and Jason Rusch.

Helix (Roger) the United States Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar

Code Name: Firehawk
Real Name: Therese
Country: France
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 (cameo); The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 (in full)

Firehawk the French Firestorm by Ethan Van Sciver


Code Name: Hurricane
Real Name: Unknown
Country: United Kingdom
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 (cameo); The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 (in full)

Hurricane the British Firestorm by Ethan Van Sciver

Code Name: Rakshasi
Real Name: Unknown
Country: India
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10

Rakshasi the Indian Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar and Ethan Van Sciver

Code Name: Unknown
Real Name: Unknown
Country: China
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 (cameo)
Notes: We haven’t seen this character in action yet. He was briefly shown on a Zithertech computer screen.

The Chinese Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar


Code Name: Not applicable
Real Name: Haji Al-Farishtaa
Country: Qurac
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4
Notes: Haji Al-Farishtaa was an illegal arms dealer selling Rogue Firestorm Protocols to Qurac terrorist cells. Al-Farishtaa was killed by Pozhar.

Haji Al-Farishtaa - Rogue Firestorm Protocol by Yildiray Cinar

Code Name: Not applicable
Real Name: Unknown
Country: Qurac
First Appearance: The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 (cameo); The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 (in full)
Notes: Several Qurac terrorists have been transformed into Rogue Firestorm Protocols, each look similar to the Firestorm below. They appear to be working for someone named Ashra Khan.

Qurac Rogue Firestorm Protocol by Ethan Van Sciver

My thanks to Joe Slab for suggesting this guide! Thanks, Joe!

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Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 18th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Shag and Rob talk about Aquaman #8 (by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis) and The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 (by Ethan Van Sciver, Joe Harris, and Hi-Fi)! More on The Others and we meet the new Firehawk and Hurricane! The podcast wraps up with tons of your listener feedback!

You can find the 18th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (37 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our super-cool outro theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Check out the gorgeous virgin covers (meaning without the logos) to the Aquaman and The Fury of Firestorm issues covered on this podcast!

Aquaman #8 by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 by Ethan Van Sciver, Joe Harris, and Hi-Fi color

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!


Hey Match-heads! Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. I was crazy-busy last week with work, and now I’m down with the flu. Believe me, the flu sucks! I’m sick as a dog. I guess I could say, “sick as a Hyena”, if anyone remembers Fury of Firestorm #11 shown below.

Fury of Firestorm #11 - Firestorm sick with the Hyena virus

As I regain my strength, I’ll try to get some posts up this week.  If not, be sure to pick up The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 in stores this Wednesday!

Support Firestorm (and my health)! Fan the flame!

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets

We started the week talking about the Super Powers Collection action figures. Seems like a good idea to keep that Super Powers love flowing! In 1985 the Super Friends cartoon was rebranded as The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians. This wasn’t the first time the cartoon title had been changed, but it was the final time. Eight episodes were produced for the 1985-86 season, thus ending fourteen years of Super Friends adventures.

Our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, a Firestorm-themed blog sent me scans of the coolest thing! Jon happens to own several original Firestorm pages and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here. This time around Jon send me copies of The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardian model reference sheets! What’s a model sheet? Well, here is the definition from Wikipedia:

In animation, a model sheet, also known as a character board, character sheet, character study or simply a study, is a document used to help standardize the appearance, poses, and gestures of an animated character. Model sheets are required when large numbers of artists are involved in the production of an animated film to help maintain continuity in characters from scene to scene, as one animator may only do one shot out of the several hundred that are required to complete an animated feature film.

On a show as massive as Super Friends, model sheets were vitally important to ensure consistency! Overall the document was 78 pages. Jon sent us scans of 10 Firestorm-related pages. One thing to note in these is Firestorm’s hair. When Firestorm premiered in the previous season, Superfriends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, his hair looked like molded plastic and didn’t move. In this subsequent season, Firestorm’s hair moved and flowed.

Check out these super-cool pages below! The first one has Ronnie Raymond, Professor Stein, and Samurai all standing together! That’s so friggin’ cool!

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians model reference sheets of Firestorm

I love that Ronnie Raymond and Professor Stein each received two model sheets of their own! That’s how much they rock!

Thanks again to our good buddy Jon of the Firestorm-themed FIZZIT blog for letting us publish these model sheets! Be sure to check out Jon’s awesome Firestorm original art collection!

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