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New Firestorm Costume & FURY OF FIRESTORM #0 Solicitation!

Lots of big news, Match-heads! First up, yesterday the solicitation was released for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #0 shipping in September! Firestorm gets a Zero Month issue! I’m totally jazzed! With the recent wave of cancellations, it’s a relief to see Firestorm will continue publishing.

In addition to getting a zero issue, it appears Firestorm has a new look! Check the cover below by Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi! Click the image to enlarge!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #0 cover by Yildiray Cinar & Marlo Alquiza

Here is the solicitation featuring Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi!

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nulcear Men #0
Written by Joe Harris
Art and cover by Yildiray Cinar and Marlo Alquiza
On sale September 26 | 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US | RATED T

  • Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond try to return to civilian life after losing the power of the Firestorm Protocols…but when danger threatens them, will they be able to survive?
  • Is this the end of Firestorm?

Wow! How about that! The cover and solicitation suggests perhaps a merged Firestorm (similar to the classic costume). However, over on Facebook, writer Joe Harris warned, “All is not as it, well, seems… sorta.” I guess we’ll have to wait until September to find out! I can’t wait!

My thanks to the following Match-heads for sending news about Fury of Firestorm #0: Luke Jaconetti, Brandon Leonard, Shawn Foster, and Babos John.

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Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 21th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Shag and Rob talk about Aquaman #9 (by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, Andy Lanning, and Rod Reis) and The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #9 (by Ethan Van Sciver, Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, Norm Rapmund, and Hi-Fi)! We’re building towards an inevitable confrontation between Aquaman and Black Manta, then the JLI stops by for a visit with our favorite Nuclear Men! The podcast wraps up with your listener feedback!

You can find the 21th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (31 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Check out the gorgeous virgin covers (meaning without the logos) to the The Fury of Firestorm and Aquaman issues covered on this podcast!

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #9 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Aquaman #9 cover by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado

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Ethan Van Sciver Original Covers

One of the greatest contributors to FIRESTORM FAN is Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog. Jon has been extremely generous allowing us to publish scans of his art collection, including original Firestorm pages and tons of convention sketches. In fact you can view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.

Yes, Jon has been a huge friend to FIRESTORM FAN. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. Shhhh.. don’t tell anyone..

I hate Jon.

Yup, there I said it. It’s out there. Why do I hate Jon? It has nothing to do with his personality. He’s a super-nice guy and incredibly generous allowing me to publish these scans. He hasn’t offended me or my family. I simply hate Jon because he owns stuff I want. And he lives in New Zealand, so he’s too far away for me to break into his house and steal things. Grrr…

Oh well, I guess today we’ll look at some more really friggin’ cool original drawings owned by stinkin’ Jon. First up is the original artwork to Ethan Van Sciver’s cover for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5! A seriously impressive find! Jon mentioned this drawing works better in black and white, and I’m inclined to agree with him. Click the image to enlarge so you can see Van Sciver’s amazing detail.

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Next up is Ethan Van Sciver’s gorgeous cover to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #6. This is one of my all-time favorite Firestorm covers! The interesting story about Jon buying this piece is that he and I were bidding against each other on eBay for this! Too funny! That lucky devil Jon won the auction. *grumble* *grumble*  Click the image to enlarge so you can see Van Sciver’s amazing detail.

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #6 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Support Firestorm (and Jon, who I don’t like)! Fan the flame!

How to Draw Firestorm

Over on, someone called “idrawgirls” has posted a lesson on how to draw Firestorm! They explained the steps and displayed in-process pencils. Click the images below to be taken to larger versions on their page, and read the step-by-step.


How to Draw Firestorm by idrawgirls

How to Draw Firestorm by idrawgirls

While the artist didn’t mention it, they clearly were using Tom Fleming’s Firestorm as reference material.

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Firestorm Ring Now On Sale

Wow! I’ve seen other superhero rings for sale, but I never expected a Firestorm ring!!!

Arrobasilver is offering a solid sterling silver Firestorm ring featuring the classic Justice League of America logo for $94.99. Check out the red gem stone below — you can see Firestorm’s nuclear symbol inside! Very cool!

Firestorm ring by Arrobasilver

My thanks to Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog for the heads-up about this ring! Also, be sure to check out Jon’s collection of original Firestorm artwork by clicking here.

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Alan Moore Wrote Firestorm

Alan Moore wrote The Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 way back in 1984 featuring the JLA and Firestorm! Yes, Alan Moore, the writer of Watchmen and V for Vendetta, wrote an appearance of Firestorm! I never knew that!

I’ve just recently started reading Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run at the behest of my buddy Rob from The Aquaman Shrine (and my Fire and Water Podcast co-host). I’ve always meant to read these stories, but never got around to it. I knew it was astonishing and revolutionary way back in the 1980s, but I wasn’t sure how it would read here in 2012. Well I’m happy to report it’s still very compelling and impressive! I’m nearly done with the first trade paperback and I’m anxious for the next one.

Below you’ll find the cover to issue #24 by Stephen Bissette and Tom Yeates. Notice the JLA members are upset by the circumstances on the monitor, with the exception of our favorite Nuclear Man. With his typical youthful gusto, he’s excited about the fight between Swamp Thing and the Floronic Man. Meanwhile, Firestorm’s fellow JLAers are thinking more long-term about the possible repercussions for the planet.

Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 cover by Stephen Bissette and Tom Yeates featuring Firestorm and the JLA

Below is page 9 from the same issue by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, and John Totleben. The JLA is struggling with a planet-threatening situation created by the Floronic Man. Firestorm has an idea, but Bronze Age Superdickery shoots it down.

Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette and John Totleben featuring Firestorm and the JLA

After reading a few issues of these amazing comics, I can’t help but think of the Firestorm Elemental-era (Firestorm vol. II #85-100). I always knew the elemental concept originated with Swamp Thing, but I didn’t realize how much Firestorm writer John Ostrander and artist Tom Mandrake drew from these stories. During the Firestorm Elemental-era, Ostrander brought back the Sunderland Corporation from Swamp Thing, and Mandrake’s gorgeous artwork somewhat echoes Bissette and Totleben.

If you enjoy Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing, but have never read the Elemental Firestorm comics, I highly recommend you give them a try. If you enjoy one, I think you’ll enjoy the other. Same goes the other way, if you enjoy the Elemental Firestorm stories, you’d love Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing.

Support Firestorm (and Elementals)! Fan the flame!

**UPDATE** If you’re interested in Swamp Thing, be sure to check out the super-fun site: The BLOG from the BOG … SWAMP THING! It’s run by ArthurMacArthur, a good friend to FIRESTORM FAN! Definitely worth your time to check out!

Francis Manapul Draws Firestorm

I really dig Francis Manapul, current writer and artist on The Flash! If you haven’t been reading his run on The Flash, stop what you are doing right now and go buy that book. Right Now! It’s a real treat.

Today we’ll be looking at a few fantastic Firestorm sketches done by Francis Manapul. I use the term “sketch” loosely because some of these were done with watercolors. The first piece of artwork comes from match-head Clark Edwards! Clark met Francis at the Phoenix Comiccon this past weekend.

 Francis Manapul draws Firestorm for Clark Edwards at Phoenix Comicon 2012

This next excellent piece comes from our good buddy Jon of the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog. Jon met Francis back at Armageddon Con in New Zealand back in 2010.  You can find this piece on Jon’s Comic Art Fans page.

Francis Manapul draws Firestorm for Jon McGavin at Armageddon con 2010Our final gorgeous piece for today comes from match-head Philip Rutledge. Philip met Francis at the Seattle JetCityComicShow back in 2010. You can find this piece on Philip’s Comic Art Fans page.

Francis Manapul draws Firestorm for Philip Rutledge at JetCityComicShow

My thanks to Clark, Jon, and Philip! You match-heads have great taste!

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Slipknot Triumphant!

For those who listen to THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST, this fun drawing should make perfect sense! My thanks to the artist Corey Hodgdon (@hyeroc on Twitter)! Brilliantly funny! Click the image to enlarge.

Slipknot triumphant over Firestorm and Aquaman by Corey Hodgdon (hyeroc)

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Early Days of Aquaman and Firestorm – FIRE AND WATER #20

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 20th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Rob and Shag discuss the early days of our favorite characters! We start with Aquaman’s first appearance in More Fun Comics #73 (Nov. 1941) and continue through More Fun Comics #81 (July 1942). Then we move on to Firestorm’s first appearance in Firestorm #1 (March 1978) and finish up with the unpublished issue, Firestorm #6. The podcast wraps up with your listener feedback!

Aquaman's first appearance in More Fun Comics #73 Spash Page - Millennium Edition

Firestorm's first appearance in Firestorm vol 1, issue #1, page 1 by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom

You can find the 20th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (43 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

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Firestorm in Zingers

There was a DC Comics fanzine that ran from 1997 to 2003 called Fanzing. The fanzine featured funny comic strips called “Zingers”. Below is one by Erik Burnham featuring our favorite Nuclear Man. Enjoy!

Firestorm in Zingers

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