Over on VIEWS FROM THE LONGBOX, Michael Bailey and I recently covered one of our favorite trading card series: DC Cosmic Cards released by Impel in 1991! This was DC’s first foray into the 1990s trading card fad!
During the episode, Mike and I cover each of the cards briefly, discuss Batman (or the lack thereof), sneaky tricks to find the holograms, the binder, and much more! We had a blast recording, so we hope you enjoy listening!
If you wish to follow along, visit the Trading Card Database by clicking this shortlink: http://firestormfan.com/dccosmiccards.
For you match-heads, here are a couple Firestorm-centric cards from the set!
Be sure to check out our coverage over at, VIEWS FROM THE LONGBOX!
Support Firestorm (and DC Comics trading cards)! Fan the flame!

I’m listening now and LOVIN’ the hell outta this conversation! I love me some comics trading cards! I have a whole set, but this was before I was smart enough to get a box. That came with the Batman Skybox set. I even got the fancy, smancy “Skydisc” hologram card!
Speaking of which, I believe Impel somehow morphed into Skybox, through either a name change or buyout, etc.
Again, LOVIN’ this episode! You and Michael need to do Cosmic Teams now!!!
Corporately, Impel changed it’s name to SkyBox in 1992, then was bought by Marvel in 1995 and merged into Fleer, which promptly went bankrupt and was sold to Upper Deck.
I also am loving this conversation. I totally had a bunch of these cards but never the entire series. Alas all but one of these cards of mine has been lost.
The only one to survive? The Steve Rude Golden Age Superman has followed me throughout my academic and professional career, on a picture frame with one of the Zero Hour Superman covers. That has been in every office I have had since the late 90s. The card is completely faded … but I love it.
I’ll tweet a picture. I probably would pick a different Superman cover to be framed these days but there is a 20yr history of this following me. Hard to break tradition.
I used to have a huge number of these. Wish I could find them today. Afraid I must have gotten rid of the at some point.
(Shag, thanks for the occasional shout-out when you read my comments on the podcast, but note that my blog has been “Blackrock’s Toybox” since early this year.)
I spent some time over at that card site, and holy crap did I waste a lot of money on comic and game cards back then.
I came across a still-wrapped box of these at one of my recent antique mall visits. I think it was $25 bucks? Send me an email if you want me to go back and see if I can still pick it up.
Email is my first name and last name no spaces at juno dot com. No “Little.”