The 145th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
This week Shag and Rob take a look at “Siren’s Call” from Aquaman #44 by Cullen Bunn, Alec Morgan, Art Thibert, Jesus Marino, and Guy Major, followed by “Terminal Velocity” from The Fury of Firestorm #24 (June 1984) by Gerry and Carla Conway, Rafael Kayanan, Romeo Tanghal, Carl Gafford, and Adam Kubert. Plus YOUR Listener Feedback!
You can find the 145th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may play the podcast using the player below or by right-clicking “download”, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (56 MB).
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!
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So, Shagg what you’re saying, is Siren may have a BUNN in her oven?
Man, that would suck if Bunn is off the book and leaves the next writer with that unwanted kid. Shades of Superman Returns!
I can only hope whoever comes on the book ignores as much of this direction as possible and course corrects back to a similar take that Johns and Parker had. You know the one that actually made DC money?
This Firestorm sounds like a lot of fun. Firehawk could have really pepped up the JLD, and yes, it would have been interesting to see how Ronnie reacted to her being on a team that he couldn’t, because Stein had to be so damn practical about committing to a team that you have to live with, be on call, etc.
Nice stinger with Murphy Anderson! Where did that come from?
I found some YouTube video from the 90s about comic cons that had interview clips with a few dozen creators, including that perfect MA piece.
Even without the result of a baby, the… um… act itself can cause some dramatic tension if (when) Mera finds out what happened — similar to the Mirage-Nightwing-Starfire relationship debacle in the 1990s New Titans title.
(I have actually had some weird experiences with twins myself… )
And I welcome an “Aquaman Cah-LASS-ic” review from the Skeats-Aparo-Giordano era, Rob. You were exuding much joy and enthusiasm in the last “Backstrokes and Backdrafts” segment, both of which have been sorely missed in recent “New 52 Reviews”…
FYI, you can tell that I vote for Michael Chiaroscuro’s suggestion for your backup segment:
Thanks, Xum! And I second that vote for Aquaman Cah-LASS-ic coverage. Also coverage of a more recent Aquaman story, Sub Diego, would be peachy keen too. It’s out in trade paperback now with a beautiful new cover.
You lads deserve a medal for giving Aquaman by Bunn four whole issues. I packed in the feature after reviewing the Sneak Peek at Too Dangerous For a Girl. Rotten costume, been-there-done-that fugitive set-up, Arthur and Mera at odds, the abandonment of the wonderful place we’d been in… when the first issue was reviewed, and you tell me it’s flashing back and forth, I’m not feeling I made a mistake.
Have no fear of a dodgy (yet blameless!) new Aquababy, once Mera finds out it’ll be Siren Sushi.
So, what to do instead? How about Aquaman’s tenure in Adventure Comics when it was a split book, which means you also get to do Plastic Man and Starman. That’d work.
One of the things that made Bug and Byte kind of unique in the Firestorm pantheon of villains is that they had connections in their personal lives to both Ronnie and the Professor. Usually the Firestorm villains had some kind of connection to just one of the two (Multiplex was the Professor’s disgruntled assistant; Hyena was Ronnie’s girlfriend’s sister, etc.). But Bug and Byte were both schoolmates of Ronnie, and were the kids of the Professor’s new girlfriend. You would think in a city of eight million people there would be less crossover in the lives of costumed heroes and villains. Because Comics, I suppose.
I’ll suggest Justice League of America 179-230 as a run to cover as an extra format, Firestorm’s tenure. Although that’s an era where Aquaman’s pretty scarce, pretty much only in the last story, so maybe pair it with something Aquaman-heavy like the Adventure run…
Hi guys, So sorry to hear just how difficult it is for the two of you to get through the current Aquaman issues. We’ve actually been enjoying this storyline just fine. Yes, we “loved” the Johns and Parker runs and this arc doesn’t compare to those, but we don’t find it unreadable. At the same time, we definitely dislike the new look for Aquaman as he once again becomes the AquaConan the Barbarian version of the character that we do not like. Meanwhile we are thrilled to hear that Johns and Reis are returning to Aquaman though the initial teaser image suggests we’ll sadly continue to see more of AquaConan in their issues as well as the comic moves closer to the version of the character we’ll likely see in the upcoming movies.
Also, while I know Rob is not a fan of PAD’s run, I think it might be interesting to hear him and Shag discuss it. Especially since the upcoming movie version of Aquaman seems to be partially inspired by it. I recently read the first 25+ issues of it for the first time and found it to be much better than I thought it would be. I avoided it for years because hook-hand Arthur never appealed to me. But finding close to 25 or so issues in the quarter bins one day at my LCS, it seemed worth spending the 5 bucks. And it definitely was. Is it my favorite version of Aquaman? No way. But I’m happy I read it. So, I’d vote for coverage on that run at some point.