Holy square knot, Match-heads! Check out this spectacular custom-made Slipknot action figure by Eli (dozymuppet)! It won 1st place in a custom action figure contest over on the Action Figure Blues forum!
That is so impressive! Hard to believe it was custom-made and not produced by a toy company. Man, I wish this was mass-produced! Then we could all have the Lasso of Larceny on our shelves staring at us ominously. C’mon DC Direct, we need this figure!! One of the special features could be a removable arm! … What, too soon?
Well done, Eli! Be sure to follow Eli on the Action Figure Blues Podcast and on Twitter! My thanks to David Sopko, Kyle Benning, Ken Deemer, Andy Kapellusch and Derek Crabbe for the heads-up on this figure.
Support Firestorm (and Slipknot)! Fan the flame!

WOW, that is SHARP! Flawless details there. Looks better than most mass-market action figures. And it’s SLIPKNOT!
Really fantastic work. I would buy that in a second if it was mass-produced!
And since Firestorm’s rogues don’t have the greatest presence on toy shelves, I would love to see what Eli could do with characters like Killer Frost, Typhoon and Multiplex.
Detachable arm available? Sorry, I had to ask…
Hi James – Were you making your own joke, or questioning my “removable arm” portion of the post? If the latter, Slipknot’s arm was blown off in the 1980s during a Suicide Squad adventure. Ouch!
Thanks so much for kind words!
I have in fact done Multiplex previously:
Unfortunately he didn’t survive a house move. I want to redo him, but Killer Frost is next in line, and I’m also plotting a Black Bison (both are going to be tricky).
@Eli – That Multiplex figure is sooooooo boss! Love it! Ever considered selling some of your custom figs?
What’s awesome about this figure is how rendering that costume in three dimensions really spells out the absurdity of the design (His mouthpiece is an f’n noose, as are his bellbottom sleeves! How could I have missed that before?) while simultaneously reinforcing how wonderfully comic-booky that absurdity is in the best possible way. It’s so stupid, it’s stupefying– literally, by definition, I’m so astonished and shocked by this suit as to be unable to think or feel properly, and by “properly” I mean to criticize it as an anthropomorphication of hate crime, when what I “feel” like doing is gleefully cosplaying as Slipknot, complete with fake latex “naked” rib windows. Sexy bastard.
nicely done custom! although there should be a missing arm variant since he got one of his arms blown off in the Suicide Squad during the Millennium story line back in the late 80s.
That Multiplex is sweet, too.
[…] it or not, this isn’t the first custom Slipknot action figure I’ve seen! Click here to see a custom Slipknot action figure in the style of the DC Direct figures! If you love custom Mego action figures, check out this custom Mego Firestorm created for me by […]