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Firestorm Endorsing Mexican Ice Cream?

In one of the stranger merchandising moves, Firestorm is helping to sell Mexican ice cream! Below you’ll find a photo of Aurrera brand chocolate flavored ice cream, emblazoned with the Justice League logo and images of the Cheetah and Firestorm. I’m guessing the white hand around the corner is either Solomon Grundy or Bizarro. Firestorm art by Ed Benes.

Aurrera is the house brand for “Bodega Aurrerá”, a chain of Mexican discount stores owned by Walmart. Essentially this ice cream is the Mexican equivalent of Walmart’s “Great Value” brand. This is the only evidence I’ve found online of the promotional partnership between Aurrera and DC Comics. My thanks to megacityfour over on Instagram for this info!

Aurrera Helado Sabor Chocolate - Chocolate Ice Cream with Justice League Firestorm and Cheetah

So, the guy with flaming hair is pimping ice cream? And the Justice League is represented by Firestorm and the Cheetah? What, did Superman and Batman have the day off? Wouldn’t the character of Vibe have made a little more sense? Oh well, we Match-heads will happily take the exposure for the Nuclear Man! 

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  1. Dave Walker says:

    The hand looks to be Green Lantern. The white glove connects to a black arm and you can just see some green down the left side below it there.

  2. WEIRD! Looks like they think Cheetah is a Leaguer. She looks downright pleasant there. Heck, she looks friendlier than Firestorm!


  3. Frank says:

    My girlfriend brought up some individually boxed Mexican strawberry drink with the same period Ed Benes art for me a few months ago. I ought to get those scanned and posted already, especially if I can appropriate all your legwork instead of doing my own. One of the boxes had Red Arrow on it, but I don’t recall about the other two.

  4. Looks delicious.

    And maybe Mexico got a sneak peek at an upcoming post-Forever Evil Justice League image where Cheetah is part of Lex Luthor’s JLA team.

  5. Kyle Benning says:

    Cuz nothing says Ice Cream like a Nuclear Powered hero with flame hair and a villainess women covered in short cheetah print hair! Very interesting marketing. It also appears to be New 52 style artwork, which is different than what you’d see here in the states. All of the Justice League promo art on cereal boxes or fruit snacks continues to use the pre-New 52 look of the Justice League characters.

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