It’s been quite the week for Killer Frost! Yesterday we talked about the new Batman: Assault on Arkham animated film featuring Killer Frost. Today we’re shouting-out Danielle Panabaker’s debut as Caitlin Snow on last Wednesday’s episode of the CW’s Arrow. You Match-heads already know, but for those unaware Caitlin Snow is the alter-ego of the new Killer Frost appearing in recent DC Comics.
This appearance of Caitlin Snow serves as a lead-in to the upcoming Arrow spin-off, The Flash. Both Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon (played by Carlos Valdes) are slated to appear in the pilot of The Flash (and possibly as regulars). No word yet if Panabaker’s Caitlin Snow will become Killer Frost, but seems likely given the faithfulness to the comics displayed on Arrow. If you missed last week’s episode of Arrow, check your local cable company for on-demand options or watch it on Hulu. You can also check out a scene with Panabaker on DC All Access by clicking here (scene starts at 3:14).
Great job, Danielle! Looking forward to your role as Caitlin Snow on the upcoming Flash TV series! My thanks to all the folks who gave me heads-up on this appearance (far too many to list here, but you know who you are!).
Support Firestorm (and Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost)! Fan the Flame!

She played one of the kids in the very underrated Super Hero/High School spoof, Sky High. She could control plants in that film, so she was more Poison Ivy than Killer Frost.