Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #4 in stores today! This issue continues the Forever Evil storyline and features Professor Martin Stein, Killer Frost, Black Bison, Plastique, Multiplex, Hyena, and more! It’s like old home week for Firestorm’s supporting cast! Heck, Sterling Gates himself suggested we’d enjoy this issue!
If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to the Los Angeles Times to check out the five page preview! This issue is written by Sterling Gates with art by Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund. Check out one of the preview pages below!
Ready for issue #4 now?!?! Plus, check out the final cover to issue #5 over on Comic Book Resources!!!
We’ll talk later. Hopefully there will be some Firestormy-goodness to discuss. Leave your comments here!
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