Ever thought up your own ideal Firestorm movie casting? Well our buddy Ryan Daly has done exactly that! You may know Ryan better as the madman called “Count Drunkula”, or as the man behind the Flowers and Fishnets: A Black Canary Blog. Either way, check out his five-part Firestorm movie fan casting!
Support Firestorm (and Ryan Daly)! Fan the flame!

Wondered if you’d seen that.
Thanks for the publicity, Shag!
I assume you hated all of my casting choices and plot points.
On one hand, Warner Brothers releasing a Firestorm film would be be quite a gamble since the character is on a lower tier than Iron Man when his first film was released in theaters. On the other hand, it is also a brilliant choice because WB could promote Firestorm as their answer to the currently going Amazing Spider-Man franchise.
One idea I would like submit is that if DC/Warner Brothers wants to build a cinematic universe, and include Arrow and the possible Flash television show in it, why not have Martin Stein make a cameo appearance as a teaser?