Remember the ghostly glimpse of Professor Martin Stein in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 (2012) drawn by Ethan Van Sciver? This was a big moment for Match-heads as it was the first time we’d seen Professor Stein in the New 52 (other than flashbacks)! We saw the outline of Martin’s glasses and heard him call Ronnie by the name, “Ronald’! It was only one panel, but it was enough to jump for joy!!
Below you’ll find the original art for that page by Ethan Van Sciver, followed by the print version with colors by Hi-Fi! Click the pages to enlarge.
The best part… I’m now the proud owner of this original page!!! In all my years collecting Firestorm, this is only the second original page I’ve ever owned! I’m so thrilled about this! I gotta tell ya, Ethan is an incredible guy. He’s always been so supportive of FIRESTORM FAN, whether it was during his tenure on the book or even after. Thank you, Ethan!
Man I love this page!! Be sure to support Ethan’s work on Batman: The Dark Knight, as the upcoming regular cover artist on Earth-2, and the zillions of variant covers he’s got lined up in the next few months!
Also, I need to extend thanks to Roger Priebe who arranged the shipping of this art piece! Thanks Roger! Be sure to visit Roger’s site Off the Record DVD and pick up his interview with Gerry Conway on DVD!
Support Firestorm (and Ethan Van Sciver)! Fan the flame!

Congrats on this page Shagg!! Definitely this page made many but many Match-heads poop their pants…. this way the pooping will be forever yours! (Wait… that didn’t sounded right…)
I admit that I’ve never been a van Sciver fan. I think his work is too detailed, obscuring necessary form and action with the sort of pointless, fiddly little lines that Jim Lee still earns such a big paycheck for. Look no further than the hash lines on Ronnie’s face in panel 5 for what I’m talking about. The extra lines make his work muddy and cause his panels to fail to convey ideas efficiently.
But that 3rd panel of Martin Stein’s face? It’s fantastic. Clean, intentional, minimalist lines that express everything the panel needs. It’s art, not pointless decoration. Finally, concrete proof that van Sciver can draw, and draw damn well.
Congratulations, Shag. It’s a good piece.
i’m glad your pumped up shag!!! Its always awesome to get something you’ve been dying to have!!!
but you’ll have to excuse me if don’t share in your enthusiasm about Ethen, what he did to Firestorm Vol 4, I just don’t have it in me….
Damn, you lucky SOB…..