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This is it Match-heads! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST begins it’s coverage of the classic Fury of Firestorm series from 1982! Fans have been clamoring for us to review these comics, and we’re happy to oblige!
The 57th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
This episode Rob and Shag discuss Aquaman #21 by Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis. Then we launch into our new segment covering Fury of Firestorm Classics! This time we cover The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982) by Gerry Conway, Pat Broderick, Rodin Rodriguez, and Gene D’Angelo.
You can find the 57th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (28 MB).
As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by InStockTrades.com!
Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at firewaterpodcast@comcast.net. Visit our Tumblr site at fireandwaterpodcast.tumblr.com.
Check out the covers to Fury of Firestorm #1 and Aquaman #21 below!
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man vol II #1 by Pat Broderick and Rodin Rodriguez!
Aquaman #21 by Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis
Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Awright!!!!!! Can’t wait to listen to this!
I can’t seem to add another i-tunes comment besides my first one, so I’ll comment here….
Five stars, excellent podcast!
Shag is the best!
Nereus is three syllables, Rob: Nir-ee-us.
Terrific job, guys. Every episode of the Fire & Water Podcast continues to feel more recent than the one before, and this installment was no different. Every time I worry this format might be getting stale, you throw in timeless references to CHEERS and FRASIER! Keep up the work!
Great job, guys.
1. Martin’s exact age is 43. This is given to us in a conversation with health nut Harry Carew, when he tells Martin that if he keeps eating junk food, he’ll be dead by the time he’s 40. Martin retorts, “I’m 43, Harry.” Then Harry replies, “Yeah, but you look 50.” I *think* this is in FOF vol. 2, No. 21, when Martin gets his job back with Concordance Research (the two-part story where the original Killer Frost dies). And I’m coming up with all of this off the top of my head, which I say half bragging, half shamefully.
2. I’m pretty sure that Ronnie’s basketball friend’s full name is Jefferson Jackson. That’s why they referred to him as Jackson sometimes (going back to the old school habit of referring to people by last name) and sometimes as a first name. When Jefferson is introduced in the Flash backup series, Ronnie calls him Jeff for short.
3. Have you ever noticed how many Firestorm villains are *actually personally connected* either to Ronnie or Martin? That’s pretty convenient. Multiplex: Martin’s assistant. Killer Frost: Martin’s jilted girlfriend. Hyena: Ronnie’s girlfriend’s sister. Black Bison: Ronnie’s teacher. Bonus points to Bug and Byte being connected to *both* of them: Ronnie’s classmates, and Martin’s girlfriend’s children.
Looking forward to this continuing trend. FTFARTW!
Great ‘cast guys! Yep, the retro-Fury of Firestorm feature is the awesome.
The nerd bully being a Peter/Flash inversion is exactly what I was thinking just before you said it. His muttonchops didn’t bother me anymore than other comic book characters’ odd-hair-that’s-there-so-you-can-tell-the-characters-apart, like the Osborns’ whatever that is.
Personally, I can’t wait for you to get to my personal entry into the world of Firestorm, which was #13, though I did subsequently go back and find the missing issues.
Oh, speaking of Bug and Byte, Shag, you were saying that they could be New 52 villains Megabyte and Malware? Probably not so much. There is a Ben 10 villain called Malware. I know this because I have a six-year-old who loves all things Ben 10.
The cover, in clockwise order.
1. Jefferson Jackson
2. Ronnie Raymond
3. Burt Day or Harry Carew or Ronnie’s basketball coach (my best guess would be Carew)
4. Stella, Jefferson’s girlfriend
5. Martin Stein
6. Pied Piper
7. Typhoon
8. Ravenhair’s Great-Grandfather
9. Black Bison
10. Killer Frost
11. Ed Raymond (probably)
12. Cliff Carmichael
13. Dorreen Day
14. Her big sister, The Hyena
3. Could be Ed Raymond too. So much depends on hair color and we don’t have that. That would make (11) who-knows-who.
Oh, I forgot Multiplex, but it’s obvious who he is.
Off topic and apropos of absolutely nothing: I just got a brand-new 11×17 scanner for my comic art today (I’m having an educational graphic novel published through a company that specializes in educational comics).
I thought to myself, “Wow, look at it. I feel like Gopher when he gets Dan Cassidy’s workshop to himself.”
Then I thought to myself, “You know, that’s a reference that only Shag Matthews would get.”
Another fine episode!
A couple of notes:
1) As to Cliff Carmichael being a bully… when you guys mentioned this, my first thought was that he’s like Mandark from Dexter’s Laboratory. Now, anytime I read his dialogue, I’m going to hear Mandark’s nasally voice in my head. The connection to Mandark is even stronger if you consider Cliff has a crush on Doreen Day, whose initials would be D.D., and Mandark had a crush on Dexter’s sister, DeeDee. Would that mean that every time I read Professor Stein’s dialogue, I should hear Dexter’s voice? I was used to hearing Doc Brown’s voice from the Back to the Future movies for Professor Stein…
2) Maybe with your connections, you could answer a question that’s always bugged me… Was Black Bison originally meant to be the modern incarnation of the old Silver Age hero, Super-Chief? I remember seeing Super-Chief on some of the covers of those 100-Page Giants in the 70s but had never read any stories until I was much older. The costumes seem a bit similar but I wonder if someone decided on making a new character rather than showing an older character turn negative.
Thanks again for another great episode. The plug for the Nexus book was a good one. Keep up the great work!
My favorite part this episode… Rob wants Shagg to be more loving, sweet and cuddly?!?!
I’m glad to see D.C. is portraying Aquaman as a badass again, instead of a punchline or a refugee from a teenage boy band. I’ve kinda resigned myself to the fact that the Peter David/Grant Morrison Aquaman isn’t gonna show up again anytime soon, but at least they’re doing something with the guy.
Havent listened to this yet, but I can only hope with Shagg covering the classic 100 issue run, that new fans will scour the ebay and comic book stores for those issues therefore increasing demand and raising prices and making the ton of Firestorm books I have more valuable! sigh…one day, this obsession will pay for my retirement!
I really enjoyed this episode. Hearing about the classic Firestorm comic made for a great juxtaposition with the modern Aquaman tale. I think this new format will be a lot of fun going forward.
As far as shaving in high school, I went to a Catholic high school so all boys had to be clean shaven. Which as an Italian-American was an ongoing issue for me. To extend the point, my brother and I went to a Catholic parochial school for Pre-K through 8th grade, St. Lawrence O’Toole School. The school handbook added an additional rule when my brother made it to 7th grade that all boys had to be clean shaven because he was sprouting stubble.
Looking forward to more Cliff Clavin next episode!