Back in 1986 I desperately wanted a DC Comics wall calendar. Most old school fans probably remember the advertisement in the back of the DC Comics at the time. If not, you can check it out over on the DC Comics of the 1980s blog. The calendar consisted of eight different drawings, each by different artists. The overall poster design was by Ed Hannigan and Richard Bruning.
The images I’ve posted below were taken from the DC Comics of the 1980s blog. Just as an FYI, this is a different site than the one I promoted yesterday. Yes, you can now get your 1980s DC Comics fix from two different sites: DC Comics of the 1980s blog and DC in the 80s Tumblr!
Below is the October block by Luke McDonnell and Jerry Ordway featuring Firestorm!
I simply had to post the April block featuring Blue Devil by Paris Cullins and Gary Martin!!
Support Firestorm (and the DC Comics of the 1980s blog)! Fan the flame!

Oh my God — I would read the $#@% out of a Justice League team comprised of Wonder Woman, Hawkman, John Stewart, Martian Manhunter and Firestorm!
That calendar is awesome, Shag!
SWEET! I’ve been wanting to see this calender for YEARS! Where do I forward my subscription money for that JLA line-up?
My favorite part about that picture is Wonder Woman is running, not flying.
I so would want the one for the whole year (but for 2014)
I love seeing Rock and Easy on May-June-July… covering Memorial Day and July 4th!