Firestorm’s most well-known rogue, Killer Frost, will soon appear in the video game INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US! This was confirmed at the recent PAX East conference.
Directly below you’ll find a promotional image featuring Killer Frost, followed by a rendering of Killer Frost. Sweet!
Next up is a render of Killer Frost’s alternate costume. Check out the hair!
Mohawk? Me personally, I prefer Frost’s traditional full-length dress!
My thanks to Oscar Olalde for the heads-up on this news! Thanks, Oscar!
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I really do wish that the game makers hadn’t taken so many liberties with costumes, especially since their design aesthetic is embarrassingly stEWWWpid. Even the Erik Larsen costume and a return to the infamous Golden Mullet would have been better than the trash heap Aquaman is wearing. The base Killer Frost looks good, but the variant just isn’t her. She seemed like an odd choice at first, but if you start thinking about how many DC villainesses are available to port, she seems obvious. No Firestorm? They finally confirmed Martian Manhunter last week, but I’m not sure if he’s playable. Thank H’ronmeer they went with the surprisingly good New 52 design instead of one of their own spastic ensembles.
My humble opinion, this killer frost looks loads better then anything the Nu52 Firestorm series has ever delivered….but just my 2 cents
Have to side with Shag on his one, I like Killer Frost’s classic look a lot more than either of these. The first one is passable, but I outgrew wanting to see villainesses fight in lingerie when I was in high school. The alternate looks … odd.