It’s time for some of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead!
- Dan Jurgens talks with about The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #15! Click here for the interview!
- Save money this month on Firestorm and Aquaman t-shirts from! They were kind enough to sponsor a couple episodes of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST this month and have extended a discount to all listeners! During January 2013, use the promo code “FireWater10″ to save 10% on the shirts below! Our thanks to PopFunk.comfor their generous sponsorship!
- There is still time to support the Gerry Conway interview DVD! I’ve been fortunate to watch roughly one hour of this interview and Gerry is fantastic! He’s a great storyteller and provides real insight into the comic book industry! C’mon Match-heads, please support this Kickstarter so we can see the entire interview! I didn’t see many Match-heads names on the “Backer” list, so consider this a guilt trip! Click here to support this Kickstarter initiative!
- The Fury of Spider-Man or The Amazing Firestorm… Some folks are drawing correlations between Spider-Man and Firestorm after Superior Spider-Man #1 hit the stands! It’s ironic that Firestorm was originally patterned after Spider-Man, and now Spider-Man seems patterned after Firestorm! It comes full circle! Click here for more information.
- Dark Horse is collecting Dan Jolley’s series Bloodhound, originally printed by DC Comics. Dan Jolley wrote Firestorm vol III at the same time as Bloodhound, and they even had a crossover. Click here to read an interview with Dan Jolley about this collection and why they are not printing the issue with Firestorm. My thanks to Ray Tigner for sending this my way.
- Fellow Match-head and Firestorm cosplayer Kory sculpted a super-fun Firestorm recently! Check it out!
- Shannon Cornthwaite wrote a reimagining of the DC Universe including a Green Lantern/Firestorm integrated origin. Check out Lantern Storm by clicking here!
- My thanks to our buddies Siskoid and Diabolu Frank for mentioning the FIRE AND WATER/WHO’S WHO Podcast on their websites! Click here to check out Siskoid’s Blog of Geekery! Click here to check out Franks’ Idol Head of Diabolu! Thanks guys!
- A while back the blog Epic Randomness posted a nice recap of Firestorm’s classic origin! Click here to check this out!
- Finally, Lil’ Russell Burbage sent me a link to a derogatory blog posting entitled, “There is ‘lame,’ and then there are Firestorm villains.” This was posted back in 2008, but is still worth a read. Some items I actively disagree with, while some others I have a hard time arguing against. If you feel like reading someone slam on Firestorm’s rogue gallery, click here.
That’s it for today!
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