Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #11 in stores today! This issue is written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar, inked by Marlo Alquiza, colored by Hi-Fi, lettered by Travis Lanham, with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver! This issue our heroes get one step closer to the heart of the rogue Firestorms, Ashra Khan! Plus, more on Ronnie’s new costume and powers!
We’ll talk later. There’s lots to discuss. Be sure to leave your comments here!
While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what today…
- On Twitter, watch Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Hi-Fi color, DC Comics, Ethan Van Sciver, Dan Jurgens, & Firestorm Fan
- On Facebook, watch Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, Hi-Fi Color, DC Comics, Ethan Van Sciver, Dan Jurgens, & Firestorm Fan
- On Google Plus, watch Joe Harris, DC Comics, Yildiray Cinar, Hi-Fi Color, & Firestorm Fan
- Watch or start a discussion over at the Comic Book Resources Forums
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Unfortunately I get my comics through the mail. No local comic store here in Vermont. I will have to wait another week or so to read it!
Your not the only one Corey, New Zealand is always 5-7 days late with its deliveries… I suppose I could buy them digitally, but I already pay $7+ for a book.
Yowza! That’s a hefty price! But Firestorm is worth it! I do buy them digitally every now and again,but I don’t like having to pay for a book twice.
Read it. All I can say is, boy, they have a lot of splainin’ to do in issue #12.
Really since we now know that Jurgens and DC is giving the fans what they’ve wanted all along in a more classic take on the character…I just want to skip to issue zero and get this new storyline underway. I now consider this take on the character a lame duck and I just want the new Firestorm to take office.
Heres hoping that Jurgens will sit down with Johns and the two will knock out the most profound Firestorm/Aquaman team-up DC has ever seen with two awesome and yet to be reimagined villains in Slipknot and the Scavenger as the foils to our heroes!
Hey…a guy can dream can’t he?
@Corey – I also live in Vermont and my most “local” local comic store is over an hour away. At first I ordered books from DCBS, but I became impatient at the shipping delay. I’ve now gone digital on all my regular books, and collect the trades and hardcovers for my favorites (the titles that I am willing to pay for twice).
@Charlemagne – I hope Dan Jurgens doesn’t dismiss everything from this first year. While I’ve had plenty of grievances with this book, I really like the concept of Firestorm proliferation throughout the world. I think Gail Simone, Ethan Van Sciver and Joe Harris all brought wonderful ideas to the Firestorm mythos. Unfortunately, they missed the mark on Ronnie and Jason–a near-fatal miss. I’ll be happier once Jurgens re-integrates the two into one heroic form, but I don’t everything from this first year to be dismissed entirely.
… Now, Hawkman, on the other hand… That book needs to be Superboy Prime-punched out of existence and completely rebooted. AGAIN.
@Ryan, how do you figure? Liefeld has taken everything that Daniel and Tan did, and is running in a new direction which has lots of buzz and chatter and is promising to give us some real meat as far as Hawkman’s history, and make the character streamlined and straightforward for the first time since the Silver Age. The fact that it is paired with Joe Bennett’s amazing art is helping as well.
Daniel didn’t tell us much at all about Hawkman, only gave us vague hints; hence, what Liefeld is doing first perfectly with the first 8 months of the title but has also lit a fire underneath it.
Frankly, Jurgens dropping the majority of the first year of Firestorm might be what can save the title. While the concept of the Firestorm Protocols and the proliferation of these Men Of Mass Destruction is a hell of a hook and premise, it has clearly not been used to its potential and has not gotten reader’s attention. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think a lot of people got on board thinking they were going to see a bickering buddy superhero story ala Firestorm in Brightest Day, and if Jurgens delivers that I think the book will do just fine.
Savage Hawkman needs to just keep on keeping on, frankly. Liefeld’s sincere writing and Bennett’s insane art are a great team.