Big news, match-heads! Ethan Van Sciver is leaving The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Ethan has been plotting this Firestorm series since day one, drawing covers, and even some interiors. His departure from the book is a really big deal. With that said, I have no doubt that Joe Harris and Yildiray Cinar will continue to rock our socks off.
Ethan posted the following on Facebook on Sunday:
Hey guys! Just thought should drop a line to let you know that I’m moving on from FURY OF FIRESTORM to draw some GREEN LANTERN and finish this ogn that I’ve been working on. I’ve helped plot the book’s course into the future with Joe Harris, but I want to narrow my focus now. And believe me, he and Yildiray Cinar have got the ball. Thanks to everyone who’s supporting the book!
Be sure to visit Ethan’s Facebook page and thank him for all he’s done for Firestorm, and wish him good luck on Green Lantern! My thanks to Daniel “Cynical” Adams for the heads-up on Ethan’s departure.
Support Firestorm (and Ethan Van Sciver)! Fan the flame!

While creatively I am happy about this, I don’t think it bodes all that well for FoF’s sales. EVS is a big name, and I think he brought a lot of, er, heat to the book.
I agree with Rob, Ethan is a big name, and for them to yank him off a title that was pretty desperate for sales just tells me that DC has made up their minds that this Firestorm book is done for. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but unfortunately I don’t think I am. Hopefully Joe Harris will have a chance to turn it around though, I’ll keep buying it until they tell me I can’t anymore.
I’ve been trying to think of a polite way to express what I think of this news, but the best I can come up with is “this sucks”. Possibly not for the reasons one might think, but there’s too much negativity on the internet in general without me adding to it, so that will have to do 😉
I prefer Yildiray’s work on Firestorm anyway so I’m not heartbroken about this, though I’m sure many of us are looking for bad omens signalling the demise of this title.
I hope DC continues to support Firestorm – the new mythology has some very far-reaching promise but supporting Firestorm should also mean grabbing new readers, hopefully through some innovative and courageous new means.
I for one will continue to buy it until I can’t anymore, I like EVS work work but a comic can’t sell well just because of the artist or writer, it either sells or it doesn’t. I’m new to firestorm but I’ve collected the earlier comics also and they are good solid stories. This character is unique and could be popular is promoted correctly. Fan the flame
Hey guys – Thanks for all the comments! Losing Ethan is definitely a bitter pill to swallow, but after reading issues #7 & #8, I’m staying focused on what a great job Joe Harris did. The writing is in great hands with Harris, and the art is in excellent hands with Yildiray Cinar. Like y’all, I’m worried about what Ethan’s departure might do to sales, but I’m not worried about the quality of the book. It’s going to be stellar!