The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7 seems to be a hit with the fans! I’ve seen loads of positive comments praising the new direction! Today I thought I’d feature some of that fan feedback, plus some Fury of Firestorm news!
Yesterday on Facebook, Ethan Van Sciver posted the following comments:
Ethan Van Sciver
My window is open, my desk fan is providing a nice summery breeze, and I’m cranking the best of David Bowie. Drawing Ronnie Raymond’s new costume. This is the life.I’m thinking about drawing another issue of FIRESTORM. I really had fun with 7 and 8. I could do 11 or 12…?
Joe Harris is writing these awesome scripts. I always want to draw them.
A new costume for Ronnie?!?! More issues drawn by Ethan?!?! How cool is that!?!?! Nothing is official from DC Comics yet, but I’d say Ethan is a fairly credible source.
In case you missed these, Joe Harris and Ethan Van Sciver recently shared their thoughts on Firestorm’s new direction:
- HARRIS, VAN SCIVER Forecast FIRESTORM’s ‘Fun’ New Future on Newsarama
- Ethan Van Sciver & Joe Harris on ‘Fury of Firestorm’ on Crave Online
- My First Issue of FIRESTORM Comes Out Today… on Joe Harris’ blog
4chan comics @4chanco
The Fury of Firestorm #7A.K.A. The Most Miraculous Upswing in Quality Seen from the New 52 #4chanSean Tiu @seancctiu
Fury of Firestorm 7. Did the series actually get darker? Joe Harris makes for an excellent replacement to Gail SimoneRonald Pollock @DrDetfink
Fury of Firestorm #7: gets really dark and creepy. And I dig it.Richard Taylor @Comicheretic
#Firestorm 7 by Evs (co-plotter, cover, and art) & Joe Harris. Wow! Was my first reaction! EVS’s art rocked! Harris’s script was dead on!Hector Negrete @Bauhaus45
Two words on Firestorm #7: Hell Yeah!!! — best issue up to now!!! Van Sciver / Harris rule!!! @FirestormFan @DCComics M @amernesider_75
@joeharris @FirestormFan I really enjoyed issue 7…do I really have to wait a month?Patience is a virtue-sigh. Keep up the great work
I removed last names as some people are sensitive about Facebook and privacy.
So, Fury of Firestorm with Joe Harris. Pardon my French, but aww f*cking yeah! Pitch perfect. This book lacks nothing. NOTHING!Kale
Awesome job on Firestorm!Tone
read firestorm #7 by Joe Harris and Ethan Van Sciver and am loving the direction this book is going. if you are not reading this title, i would highly suggest you do so. if you tried it earlier and it was not to you liking…give the new team a shot and try it again. hell, i will give my friends the $3 they spend on the book if they don’t like it! if you are in tampa, make sure to visit Heroes’ Haven for your copy.Bill
You and Ethan Van Sciver did an amazing job you should be proud of this issue. I look forward to the runJason
Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men #7 = Best issue of this so far! The writing tone FINALLY matches the great concept that this book is. Joe Harris is the man! THANK YOU! As a lifelong Firestorm fan, I’m now pleased. Ethan’s art is pretty damn great in this as well!Davis
Awesome job on Firestorm #7 EVS! Really loved it!Sean
Firestorm #7 was an awesome read!!!! Ethan when are ya gonna start drawing a book on a regular basis?!Brandon
yes great issue!!! can’t wait for the next chapter love the new darker tone of the book! and another interior issue???YES PLEASE i don’t think i have ever seen your pencils look so good !Brian Adams
Have been a Firestorm fan since I was a kid and this is the best take on the character ever … rule EVS!!!!
Such great feedback from a bunch of great match-heads! Now to be completely fair and honest, I have also seen a few lukewarm comments about issue #7. However, those moderate reviews seem to be the minority. Overall I think Ethan Van Sciver, Joe Harris, Hi-Fi Colour Design, and DC Comics should be really happy with the fans reaction!
Support Firestorm! Keep fanning the flame!

What makes Van Sciver even more cool, other than the fact he is on the Firestorm book, is that he listens to Bowie.
Hey Ed,
Well said.
What exactly is the new direction here? It’s more Zither, more Pozhar, more rogue Firestorms to be worried about. It was a good book, don’t get me wrong, but I was expecting more difference to live up to the hype.
I really like issue # 7, and have Tweeted as such, but I have a similar question as Martin Stein above has. I have generally enjoyed all of the issues up to now, so my thought process might be a little different than his.
For those that have a more discerning eye than I, and who may like Issue # 7 more, what separates this issue from the previous 6?