Here is a great looking drawing of Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar and Norm Rapmund! These images provide us with a neat opportunity to see the original pencils as well as the inks. While they haven’t specified, I’m guessing this comes from issue #5 or #6 of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men.
This first image was penciled by Yildiray Cinar and posted to Twitter on Christmas Eve.
This second image was inked by Norm Rapmund and posted to Twitter on January 10.
Both the pencils and inks on this image look amazing! Can’t wait to see it in the issue itself! Keep up with Yildiray Cinar on Twitter by clicking here! Keep up with Norm Rampund on Twitter by clicking here!
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 is in stores next week – January 25, 2012! Don’t miss it!
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