Our good buddy Keith Baker sent some photos of his Firestorm original art collection. For those of you who don’t know, Keith was one of the inspirations for the creation of FIRESTORM FAN. Back in the mid-2000s, Keith ran the excellent NUCLEAR FAN site!
Below is the splash page original art from The Fury of Firestorm #20 by Rafael Kayanan and Rodin Rodriguez. Keith frames and displays his artwork, so this is a photo of the artwork behind glass.
Below is the colored splash page from the comic for comparison.
Just to refresh your memory, the cover to the issue is below. I absolutely love this cover! Great art and coloring! Normally Killer Frost is such a strong and vengeful character. This pose is an interesting change for her. Reminds us that she’s supposed to be beautiful in addition to deadly.
Finally, check out below Keith’s awesome display for this artwork! He’s framed the original art, along with the cover and colored page! Nice! Again, this is behind glass, therefore the clarity isn’t that great. In fact, you can see Keith in the reflection. Hi Keith!
My thanks to Keith for sending these images my way. You can keep up with Keith nowadays on Twitter.
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That is definitely my favorite piece in my collection. Embodies the fun that is supposed to be Firestorm.
Sorry I didn’t have a hi-res scan for you.
Wow, that is awesome 😀
@Keith – Thanks for sending this my way. Absolutely no apologies necessary. Sorry if my post came off wrong. I was just trying to explain the picture. I think it’s AWESOME how you’ve got it framed and displayed.