Firestorm has gone digital! You can now download the original five issue run of Firestorm from comiXology! And each issue is only $0.99!!! That’s a heck of a deal for Gerry Conway’s and Al Milgrom’s earliest Firestorm appearances.
Personally, I recommend you also buy the upcoming Firestorm trade paperback. It includes several Flash back-ups, and some possible surprises. Additionally, if we want to see subsequent Firestorm collections, we need to support this first trade paperback.
My thanks to Doug Zawisza (of Comic Book Resources, the Doom Patrol blog, and the Red Tornado’s Path blog) for the heads-up about this comiXology listing.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

i got these and they are great whats interesting is with issue 5 comes the uncolored issue 6 from canceled comics cavalcade