Here at FIRESTORM FAN we’ll cover every angle of the upcoming Fury of Firestorm series, but we’ll also continue to celebrate previous incarnations of the Nuclear Man! I love the cover to The Fury of Firestorm #7! What grabs my attention is not the attractively drawn woman, but Firestorm’s awesome action pose, along with the explosions just beginning on Plastique’s belt. Finally, I’m a sucker for goofy captions! Cover art by Pat Broderick and Dick Giordano.
Here is a close-up and cut-out of the Firestorm pose! Such great artistry by Broderick and Giordano!
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Caught a missing word/typo in your post:
“What grabs my attention is not the attractively drawn woman, but Firestorm’s awesome action pose…”
I think you’re mean…”What grabs my attention is JUST not the attractively drawn woman, but Firestorm’s awesome action pose…”
When I first saw this issue myself, she did draw my attention… but I agree the pose is awesome.
Seriously, nice piece–as always.
Oh… there’s a REAL typo in my own post… is that the definition of ironic? or maybe it isn’t.