Check out these super-cute Firestorm wallets produced by micahmyers on Each wallet is handmade from the actual comic book pages and covered with shelving paper. According to his site, each wallet has two pockets, can hold several cards, and has a large money compartment. The wallets are approximately 8″ wide when opened and 2.5″ tall.
The wallets normally sell for $3 each plus shipping, but appear to be on sale for $2 today. At the time of this writing, there are six different Firestorm wallets available on
The creator has several other handmade wallets featuring your favorite superheroes. Be sure to check ’em out!
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Wow – what a cool idea! I like his choice in scenes too. Hopefully it does well for the creator.
this is so clever, how do people come up with this stuff? i wonder how durable these wallets are? how ironic Shag that we were talking about this very same Firestorm annual just last week these wallets are made from.
i screwed up. i think these pages on the wallet came out of the issue that came out right before the annual. what issue was that i forgot?
never mind Shag mind i found it. i just wanted to ad that cover to my posting about the Firestorm wallet.
While I like the idea, I HAVE to ask…is that scotch tape holding it together on either end?