Blackest Night #4 is due in stores this week! Be sure to pick up your copy. After last issue, I’m pretty anxious to find out what’s going on with our favorite match-head. Until then, here are some Firestorm sighting across the net to keep you satisfied.
- Thanks to Dispatches from the Arrowcave (The Green Arrow blog), the Aquaman Shrine, and Patrick for the heads-up about a t-shirt featuring several DC superheroes, including the Jason Rusch Firestorm. It’s available at Wal-Mart, and may possibly be the only t-shirt to ever include the Jason Rusch Firestorm. Thanks to Adama from Dispatches from the Arrowcave for the photo!
- I stumbled across two great Firestorm wallpapers designed by Roger over at the Sensor Sweep blog. The art is by Dick Dillin (long-time JLA vol I artist) and Mike McKone (Teen Titans, JLA Wedding Special). Click the thumbnails below to be taken to the Sensor Sweep page where you can download each full-size wallpaper.
- Below is a cute Firestorm M&M I found on the Baggy Pants and Bravado blog. It was originally posted by Hugh Cherry on the John Byrne Message Board back in 2006. Check out either link for tons more superhero M&Ms.
- The Captain’s JLA Blog recently featured an alternative Justice League team shot drawn by Rafael Albuquerque (Blue Beetle, Superman/Batman). It included the Jason Rusch Firestorm and is worth a look.
- Firestorm made a cameo back in 2006 in The Order of the Stick webcomic. Thanks to Adama for pointing me in that direction.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Thanks for the Wallpaper heads up – the Mike McKone one is killer!