This super-cool Firestorm drawing is by fellow blogger Bubba Shelby. I love this sketch! Firestorm’s expression is priceless, and those briefs are cracking me up! Bubba is a freelance artist, and creator of characters such as Woodchuck Chuck, The Pink Poodle, Isis Champion and more! He runs a blog entitled “Art by Bubba” and is an all-around swell guy (or at least he keeps telling me that).
My thanks to Bubba for giving me permission to reproduce his drawing here at FIRESTORM FAN. Much appreciated! Be sure to visit him at his blog.
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If you took the image and flipped it horizontally so that the sun was on the other side, it would be perfect, but then the guy’s signature would be backwards…
Still pretty cool!
Thanks for the shout-out Shag! Glad you like the illustration.
Thanks to Outburst as well – good eye on the reverse costume – in my defense, the image I used as a costume guide was in the DC Comics Encyclopedia and apparently it was flipped the wrong way too – D’OH! I should have used my DCUC figure as a guide. I’m still pretty new to the character, besides his cartoon appearances of yore I’m barely familiar with him.
Oh well – let’s just call it “artistic license” and leave it at that 😉
Maybe I’ll revise it someday – I was also planning on doing atomic blasts on his hands at some point.
Thanks again!